हिंदी दिवस 14 सितम्बर 2022.
आपका स्वागत है
The Indian mind, in its long struggle to discover the Absolute Truth, found its culmination in Advaita Vedanta, the crest jewel of the Vedas. A galaxy of the greatest sages who ever walked the earth, for thousands of years, have attested and propounded this sublime philosophy. Other philosophies that were scrutinized on the path were like so many steps leading to the rarefied heights of the reality known as Brahman.
Swami Vivekananda said that the Advaita philosophy has saved India twice from materialism, once by Lord Buddha who worked out its moral side, next by Sri Shankaracharya, who rigorously worked out its intellectual side. Advaita has, with Swamiji’s appearance, saved India and the world for the third time. Swamiji reestablished not only its moral and intellectual sides but also made it intensely practical and open to all. Swamiji perceived in it great promise in solving the current and future problems of life that human evolution was raising both in the east and the west.
Swami Vivekananda on Advaita Philosophy: CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE
All the books contained in the Upanishads have one subject, one task before them — to prove the following theme: “Just as by the knowledge of one lump of clay we have the knowledge of all the clay in the universe, so what is that, knowing which we know everything in the universe?“
The idea of the Advaitists is to generalise the whole universe into one — that something which is really the whole of this universe. And they claim that this whole universe is one, that it is one Being manifesting itself in all these various forms. It is this Being, the Sat, which has become converted into all this — the universe, man, soul, and everything that exists. How came that Sat which is unchangeable, as they admit (for that which is absolute is unchangeable), came to be changed into that which is changeable, and perishable?
Welcome To Rashtriya Military Schools: Rashtriya Military schools were eastablished as King George's Royal Indian Military schools to take care of the education of the sons of defence personnel. In 1952, the schools were reorganized on Public School lines and admissions were made open to the sons of Defence Service Officers and civilians. In 1954, the school became member of the Indian Public Schools Conference (IPSC) and continues to be an active member till date. The schools were renamed Military Schools in 1966 and its old motto, 'Play the Game' was replaced with 'Sheelem Param Bhushanam' which means Character is the Highest Virtue. On 25th Jun 2007, the schools got their present name "Rashtriya Military School". The school has several of its alumni occupying high positions in the Armed Forces and in other sectors doing stellar service to the motherland.
Sainik Schools :To set up schools on the pattern of existing Sainik Schools in order to develop the ethos of national spirit, indomitable courage, unfailing commitment to values of respect for country and society, imbibe the importance of physical fitness and embody the national pride in students’ souls while providing “Board Plus” type of educational environment by involving the Government/ private schools to partner in establishing/ aligning their system in line with Sainik Schools’ eco-system.
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti :To provide good quality modern education-including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education- to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas without regard to their family's socio-economic conditions.
SRI. F. G. Pearce's scheme finally received the general approval of the Bihar Govt. in 1952 and the Residential School was opened on 15th November, 1954 at Netarhat with Sri. Charles Napier as its First Principal. | |
The School admitted the first batch of students numbering 60 in 1954 for a six-years course. From 1982 onwards, the strength of Boys was raised up to 100. |
प्रश्नोत्तरी संस्कृ त सप्ताह-2022
1. के न्द्रीय विद्यालय का आदर्श-िाक्य क्या है ? तत् त्वं पूषन् अपािृणु 2. ‘तत् त्वं पूषन् अपािृणु’ यह मन्त्र वकस उपवनषद् से वलया गया है ? ईर्ािास्योपवनषत् 3. गावयत्री मन्त्र मेंवकस देि की उपासना की जाती है ? सूयश देिता की 4. संस्कृ त भाषा की वलवप क्या है ? देिनागरी 5. तत्सम र्ब्द वकस भाषा के अन्तगशत आते हैं? संस्कृ त 6. आवदकवि वकसे कहा जाता है ? िाल्मीवक 7. भारत का र्ेक्सपीयर वकस कवि को कहा जाता है ? कावलदास 8. ‘स्वराज्य मेरा जन्मवसद्ध अविकार है’ यह िाक्य वकसका है ? लोकमान्य बाल गंगािर वतलक 9. महाभारत मेंकु ल वकतने पिश हैं? अठारह पिश 10. रामायण (संस्कृ त) की रचना वकसने की ? महवषश िाल्मीवक 11. t‘तत्त्वमवस’ इस उपिाक्य का सम्बन्ध वकस उपवनषद् से है ? छान्दोग्योपवनषद् 12. िेद वकतने हैं? चार 13. सबसे प्राचीन िेद कौन सा है ? ऋग्वेद 14. ‘उवत्तष्ठ जाग्रत प्राप्य िराविबोित’ यह िाक्य वकस उपवनषद् से वलया गया है ? प्रश्नोपवनषद् 15. उपवनषदों की संख्या वकतनी है ? ग्यारह 16. हमारे देर् का नाम भारत वकसके नाम पर पड़ा ? दुष्यन्त पुत्र भरत 17. ‘अवभज्ञानर्ाकु न्तलम्’ नाटक वकसने वलखा ? महाकवि कावलदास 18. अष्टाध्यायी के रचवयता कौन हैं? पावणनी 19. महाभारत का युद्ध कहााँ हुआ ? कु रुक्षेत्र 20. गीता का उपदेर् वकसने वकसको वदया ? श्रीकृ ष्ण ने अजुशन को 21. िन्दे मातरम् गीत वकसने वलखा ? बंवकमचन्द्र चट्शजी 22. भारत सरकार का ध्येय िाक्य क्या है ? सत्यमेि जयते 23. ‘गुरु ब्रह्मा गुरुविष्णु’ इस श्लोक मेंवकसकी िन्दना की गई है ? गुरु 24. कु ल वकतने संस्कार हैं? सोलह 25. िैवदक संस्कृ त का प्रचार वकसने वकया ? महवषश दयानन्द 26. आयशसमाज की स्थापना वकसने की ? महवषश दयानन्द 27. कावलदास की पत्नी का क्या नाम था ? विद्योत्तमा 28. वकस िन को सब िनों मेंप्रिान िन कहा गया है ? विद्या 29. वहतोप्रदेर् की रचना वकसने की ? नारायण पण्डित 30. नीवतर्तक के रचवयता कौन हैं? भतृशहरर 31. जननीजन्मभूवमश्च स्वगाशदवप गरीयसी’ ये िाक्यांर् वकसने वकसको कहा ? राम ने लक्ष्मण को 32. संस्कृ त मेंकु ल वकतने िचन हैं? तीन 33. कार्ी वहन्दू विश्िविद्यालय की स्थापना वकसने की ? मदन मोहन मालिीय 34. ‘सह’ के योग मेंकौन सी विभक्वत होती है ? तृतीया 35. सबसे पहला महाकाव्य कौन सा है ? रामायण 36. सुरसरर और देिनदी वकस नदी को कहते हैं? गंगा 37. कादम्बरी गद्य काव्य के रचवयता कौन हैं? बाणभट्ट 39. विश्ि का प्राचीनतम नगर होने का गौरि वकसे प्राप्त है ? कार्ी 40. ‘असतो मा सद् गमय’ यह वकस उपवनषद् का िचन है ? बृहदारण्यकोपवनषद् 41. अठारह पुराणों मेंवकतने श्लोक हैं? चार लाख 42. भारत के प्रमुख प्राचीन वर्क्षा संस्थानों के नाम बताइए । तक्षवर्ला, नालन्दा, विक्रमवर्ला, िल्लभी 43. तक्षवर्ला के बारे मेंवकस यात्री ने वलखा ? चीनी यात्री फाह््यान 44. संस्कृ त र्ब्द मेंवकस उपसगश का प्रयोग हुआ है ? sa सम् 45. मेघदू त वकस कवि की रचना है ? कावलदास 46. महाभारत का युद्ध वकतने वदन चला ? अठारह वदन 47. रामायण मेंवकतने काि हैं? सात 48. संस्कृ त वदन कब मनाया जाता है ? श्रािणपूवणशमा में(रक्षाबन्धन को) 49. वकतने िेदांग हैं? छह 50. उत्तररामचररत’ वकस की रचना है ? भिभूवत 51. परम्परा के अनुसार वकसे पंचम िेद के नाम से पुकारा जाता है ? महाभारत 52. गीतगोवबन्दम् वकसकी रचना है ? जयदेि 53. पंचतन्त्र की रचना वकसने की ? विष्णुर्माश 53. भीष्म के वपता कौन थे ? र्ान्तनु
झण्डे के लिए शहीद होने वाले गुमनाम नायक
Salient Features of Flag Code of India, 2002
c) The Flag Code of India, 2002 was amended vide Order dated 19th July, 2022 and clause (xi) of paragraph 2.2 of Part-II of the Flag Code of India was replaced by the following clause:- (xi) “where the Flag is displayed in open or displayed on the house of a member of public, it may be flown day and night;”
"Har Ghar Tiranga" campaign is now turned into a mass movement in our country. Kendriya Vidyalayas are pioneers in the "Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign. You are, therefore, requested to take all possible efforts to popularize this campaign amongst our students, staff and parents. Encourage them to hoist our National Flag at their houses from 13 to 15 August 2022.
We are celebrating 75Th year of our independence this year so its a special occasion for all of us. All school buildings should be specially decorated on this occasion. Lighting should be done on school buildings. Display boards and standees be prepared and displayed in school campus.
These must contain the theam of "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava" in Hindi and English languages. Logo of AKAM and KVS shall be displayed appropriately in all these boards and standees. Display them in prominent locations in the vidyalaya.
Special programme be prepared for independence day. All students, particularly from classes 6TH to 12TH along with full staff be called in the school to attend this function. Photos and videos of the programme are to be submitted in regional office. Kindly make all efforts to produce a knowledgeable , memorable and enjoyable programme.
आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव Book Exhibition 01-08-2022 से 15-08-2022 |
for the month of April- May
Vocations/ Holidays and submission
annual report on 30 January Every year.
"इस वर्ष मैंने लाइब्ररी मे क्या सीखा"
1. Bio Data- April
2. KV Students House System- July
3. Counting and Numbers- April
4. स्वर व्यंजन बाराहखड़ी -April
Vowels Consonants Phonetics - April
Language-xi, Scientists-ix, Leaders-viii, Artists-vii & vi
6. आज मैंने स्कूल मे क्या सीखा- April- Feb
Road Safety n Traffic Rules- January
8 पुस्तक समीक्षा- कम से कम 10 पुस्तकें।
9. Foundation of Education - May -June
(Pry- PhD)
10. Holiday Home work - April-June
Book Mark- VI
Table calendar-VIII
My e- Magazine-X
11. JUST ONE THING more IX-XII June July /Oct/Dec
12. Proud to be KVian- 15 Dec
Ten points on how and why you are proud to be associated with KVS.
Self Assessment
(During Winter Break Every year )
Annual Library Report Card of each student by himself
"इस वर्ष मैंने लाइब्रेरी मे क्या सीखा"
विद्यार्थी का स्वम से आंकलन
रिपोर्ट एक रंगीन A4
फ़ाइल पेपर पर
शरद कालीन छुट्टियों मे
Last Date of Submission
30 January Every Year For All Classes.