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Tuesday 31 August 2021

Reframing Strategies for Post COVID Schooling

Sahyog on PMeVidya: 
Strategies for Post COVID Schooling Special Live Telecast on Dealing with exam Stress and Anxiety... MANODARPAN an Initiative of Ministry of Education for Psychosocial Support and Mental Well-being of Student.. at 2:30PM - 4:00PM every Friday....
The viewers may send feedback, queries and suggestions through Above Mail ID
Toll Free - 8800440559 ask Question to Expert on During LIVE Class Upper Primary, Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary classes on C - For Class 1 - 12th Educational Channels ….every Class has one Channel all over national TV available .
to see the schedule PM eVidya

STAY SAFE & LEARN AT HOME* Watch LIVE on You tube Channel ncertofficial and PM eVidya DTH TV Mon - Saturday . Special Live also on 12pm - 12:30pm (MON - FRI) Indian Sign Language Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms- Ask the Expert Day Class Timings Monday 1 2-3pm Monday 2 3-4 pm Tuesday 3 2-3 pm Tuesday 4 3-4pm Wednesday 5 2-3pm Wednesday 6 3-4pm Thursday 7 2-3pm Thursday 8 3-4 pm Friday 9 2-3pm Friday 10 3-4pm Saturday 11 2-3 pm Saturday 12 3-4 pm Webinar on ICT Mon- Fri 4-5pm Sahyog Session Mon-Fri 5-5.30pm Special Live Telecast on Dealing with exam Stress and Anxiety... MANODARPAN an Initiative of Ministry of Education for Psychosocial Support and Mental Well-being of Student.. at 2:30PM - 4:00PM every Friday.... The programs can be viewed on: 1. DD Free dish channel #128 2. Zee Dish TV Channel #950 3. Tata Sky Channel #756 4. Airtel TV Channel #440 5. Videocon Channel #477 6. Jio TV App 7. ‘NCERT OFFICIAL’ YouTube Channel The viewers may send feedback, queries and suggestions through PM eVidya TV Program Schedule.
3. SWAYAM Prabha App 4. ePathshala Kishore Manch App (
) 5. Social Media Platforms of CIET & NCERT (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram)



lets not ask to the stucdents that who is your faviourate teacher. 

Rather we should ask the students that 

"Whoes faviourate student you are and why"

Write -5-10 Lines / words 

that your teacher said to you,

 based on which you can say that 

you are the best student of Mrs/Mr................Mam/ Sir.



विद्या देते दान गुरुजी

हर लेते अज्ञान गुरुजी।

अक्षर अक्षर हमे सिखाते

शब्द -अर्थ का बौद्ध करते।

कभी प्यार से कभी डांट से 

पकड़े हमारे कान गुरुजी। ...विद्या देते...

भाषा की पहचान कराते 

अंकों का गणित समझते

कम्प्यूटर के माध्यम से

सारी दुनिया हमे दिखाते। ..विद्या देते..

धरती को भूगोल बताते 

इतिहस में कथा सुनाते

कब कहाँ कैसे क्यों क्या होता है

सिखलाते विज्ञान गुरुजी...विद्या देते...

कभी पढ़ाते कभी लिखाते

कभी गवाते कभी खिलाते

करते हमसे प्यार गुरुजी

विद्यालय की शान गुरुजी ... विद्या देते..

ज्ञान का खजाना खोलते 

जीवन को रंगों से भरते

मार्गदर्शन के शीर्ष पर

प्रचार्य महोदय बोलते ...विद्या देते...


उमा शंकर मुद्गल 



के वि चमेरा 1


स्वच्छ भारत शपथ- Swachh Bharat Pledge

शपथ पढ़िये | Read Pledge

  • महात्मा गांधी ने जिस भारत का सपना देखा था उसमें सिर्फ राजनैतिक आजादी ही नहीं थी, बल्कि एक स्वच्छ एवं विकसित देश की कल्पना भी थी।
  • महात्मा गांधी ने गुलामी की जंजीरों को तोड़ कर भारत माता को आजाद कराया।
  • अब हमारा कर्तव्य है कि गंदगी को दूर करके भारत माता की सेवा करे।
  • मैं शपथ लेता / लेती हूँ कि मैं स्वयं स्वच्छता के प्रति सजग रहूंगा / रहूंगी और उसके लिए समय दूंगा / दूंगी।
  • हर वर्ष 100 घंटे यानी हर सप्ताह 2 घंटे श्रमदान करके स्वच्छता के इस संकल्प को चरितार्थ करूंगा / करुँगी।
  • मैं न गंदगी करूंगा / करुँगी न किसी और को करने दूंगा / दूंगी ।
  • सबसे पहले मैं स्वयं से, मेरे परिवार से, मेरे मुहल्ले से, मेरे गांव से एवं मेरे कार्य स्थल से शुरूआत करूंगा / करुँगी ।
  • मैं यह मानता / मानती हूँ कि दुनिया के जो भी देश स्वच्छ दिखते हैं, उसका कारण यह है कि वहां के नागरिक गंदगी नहीं करते और ना ही होने देते हैं।
  • मैं आज जो शपथ ले रहा / रही हूं, वह अन्य 100 व्यक्तियों से भी करवाऊंगा / करवाऊंगी कि वे भी मेरी तरह स्वच्छता के लिए 100 घंटे दें, इसके लिए प्रयास करूंगा / करुँगी।
  • इस विचार के साथ में गांव-गांव और गली-गली स्वच्छ भारत मिशन का प्रचार करूंगा / करुँगी।
  • मुझे मालूम है कि स्वच्छता की तरफ बढ़ाया गया मेरा एक कदम पूरे भारत देश को स्वच्छ बनाने में मदद करेगा।

Saturday 28 August 2021

कृतज्ञता-Gratitude- AS 23

1. Why we (should) respect our environment ?

2  What all  acts/ gestures  we do when we respect our environment ?

3  What all  acts/ gestures we do if we do not respect environment ?

4.  Write what 'you do' and what 'you do not do',  out of point no  2 and 3 above.

5. Similarly Why we should respect Grand parents, parents , elders, teachers and seniors in our society. Write.

6. What all acts/gestures we do to show the respect for people in point no 5 above ? Write all .

7. What all acts and gestures we do when we show disrespect to elders? Write them .

8. What do you think of yourself in respect of point no 2,3,4 and 5,6,7. 

9. What all acts and gestures you will start  if you were not doing earlier. For point no 2 to 8.

10 What all acts and gestures you will stop if you were doing knowingly or unknown for point no 2 to 8.

Design a Postal Stamp celebrating India’s Post Independence achievements in Science and Technology


VIGYAN PRASAR, under the Aegis of Department of Science and Technology, announces a Postal stamp design competition as a part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav– to commemorate 75 years of India’s Independence.

India has come a long way in the last seven decades, making a mark in various fields in science and technology, including agriculture, healthcare, energy, space, environment, biotechnology, engineering, and Information Technology. These achievements have improved the standard of living of every citizen.

To honour these accomplishments in Science and Technology, VIGYAN PRASAR will be bringing out Postal stamps for the nation through MyGov and provide wide publicity on IndiaScience Channel.

"विज्ञान से विकास - प्रौद्योगिकी से प्रगति" is the theme for the competition. The creative design should capture the achievements of the Indian scientific community and scientific institutions post-independence.

The entry will be received on the MyGov platform (

The selected winners will be awarded with the cash prize of:

1st Prize - Rs. 15,000/-
2nd Prize - Rs. 10,000/-
3rd Prize - Rs. 5,000/-
Three Consolation prize - Rs. 2,000/- 


Friday 27 August 2021

Google Lens Google LLCTools

 Google Lens lets you search what you see, get things done faster, and understand the world around you—using just your camera or a photo.

Translate words you see, save a business card to your contacts, add events to your calendar from a poster, and copy and paste complicated codes or long paragraphs into your phone to save time.

Find out what that plant is in your friend's apartment, or what kind of dog you saw in the park.

Identify and learn about landmarks, restaurants, and storefronts. See ratings, hours of operation, historical facts, and more.

See an outfit that catches your eye? Or a chair that's perfect for your living room? Find similar clothes, furniture, and home decor to the one you like.

See popular dishes on a restaurant menu based on reviews from Google Maps.

Quickly scan QR codes and barcodes.

*Limited availability and not available in all languages or regions. For further details go to Some Lens features require an internet connection.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Autobiography of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda Audiobook

Book Summary in Hindi

 #AutoBiographyOfYogi #ParamahansaYogananda #ReadersBooksClub

click here

I read this books several times after reading this my whole life change I felt deep intimacy with महावतार बाबाजी, लहिरी mahasya, shri yukteswar giri although they r not alive but through their divinity they guide me as a meditator iam going to initiate myself into kriya yoga.

Monday 23 August 2021

Admissions- Class XI- 21-22 XI

Few seats only.

Registration for Admission in KV ITBP Bhanu Panchkula 

for Class XI Science Stream only

(Med. & Non Med.) 

is open now for short period. 

Registration Form available in school office only.

संस्कृत दिवस, रक्षाबन्धन एवं श्रावणी उपाकर्म के पावन पर्व पर हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

सुप्रभातम् ।

केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, मुख्यालय, नई दिल्ली के आदेशानुसार संस्कृत सप्ताह के दौरान आप छात्रों छात्राओं के लिए कुछ गतिविधियों का आयोजन सुनिश्चित किया गया है।

Sanskrit Language Teaching

स्तर : नवमी से द्वादश :-

1. संस्कृत श्लोकोच्चारण प्रतियोगिता (समय :3 मिनट) 

दिनांक : 25-8-21 10:30 से

2. संस्कृत प्रश्नोत्तरी (समय : प्रश्नोत्तरी के समय बताया जाएगा)

 24-8-21 10:30 से

3. संस्कृत में कथावाचन (समय : 4 मिनट)

 23-8-21 10:30 से

4. संस्कृत में निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता (समय : 90 मिनट) 

विषय : संस्कृत भाषा लेखक, रचनाएं, प्रोत्साहक, भारतीय संस्कृति की श्रेष्ठता, देशभक्ति

 23-8-21 10:30 से  

Sanskrit Short Films

स्तर : षष्ठी से अष्टमी :

1. संस्कृत श्लोकोच्चारण प्रतियोगिता (समय :3 मिनट)

 दिनांक : 25-8-21 10:30 से

2. संस्कृत प्रश्नोत्तरी (समय : प्रश्नोत्तरी के समय बताया जाएगा)

 24-8-21 10:30 से

3. संस्कृत में कथावाचन (समय : 4 मिनट)

 23-8-21 10:30 से

4. संस्कृत में निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता (समय : 90 मिनट) 

विषय : संस्कृत भाषा लेखक, रचनाएं, प्रोत्साहक, भारतीय संस्कृति की श्रेष्ठता, देशभक्ति

23-8-21 10:30 से  


शिक्षकों के लिए  :

संस्कृत भाषा का महत्त्व, उपयोगिता एवं सौन्दर्य पर वार्तालाप ।

 25-8-21 (12:00 बजे)

Sanskrit Saptah 2021

 सभी विद्यार्थियों को सूचित किया जाता है कि जो भी विद्यार्थी इनमें से किसी भी प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेना चाहता है वो श्री देवदत्त शर्मा जी से संपर्क करके उसमें भाग ले सकता है।



सुप्रभातम् ।

संस्कृत की सभी प्रतियोगिताओं के लिए समय परिवर्तन किया गया है।

अब प्रतियोगिता का समय 14:00 बजे रहेगा।

Practice एवं uploading के दृष्टिगत आप श्लोकोच्चारण का video बना सकते हैं, परन्तु वह प्रतियोगिता का हिस्सा नहीं माना जाएगा।

उसके लिए आवश्यक है कि google meet के माध्यम से आप प्रतियोगिता में शामिल होकर ही प्रस्तुति दें।




संस्कृत प्र्तिज्ञा

संस्कृत स्वागत गीत

Library google class ( VI-XII) work for Sanskrit saptah

Hindi Pakhwada......




20 Shloka in sanskrit which preech about Education (Vidya)





20 Dohe which are the adject meaning of above 20 shlokas on educationn (Vidya)

Time Line : 22 Aug 21 To 22 Sep.21

नास्ति विद्यासमो बन्धुर्नास्ति विद्यासमः सुहृत् ।

 नास्ति विद्यासमं वित्तं नास्ति विद्यासमं सुखम् ॥


सुखार्थिनः कुतोविद्या नास्ति विद्यार्थिनः सुखम् । 

सुखार्थी वा त्यजेद् विद्यां विद्यार्थी वा त्यजेत् सुखम् ॥




Also see


Thursday 19 August 2021

Life Skills Activities for Students

 Whether you are old school and still call it home economics (home ec) or you call it life skills, teaching your child how to care for themselves and their home should be an important part of your homeschool routine. Learning life skills early on will help your student thrive in the real world, improve their thinking and reasoning skills, teach them how to work with others, and be productive members of society.

Below are a few homeschool home economics ideas that will help your child become independent and give them a well-rounded education.

Life Skills Activities for Elementary Students

Life skills for elementary students will help your child learn how to perform simple tasks, improve their motor skills, and make students feel ‘grown up’ as they help around the house.

Calling 9-1-1 – This is one of those skills that should be taught early on. Every child should know what 9-1-1 is, as well as how and when it should be used. You can practice on a play phone and give your student different scenarios and quiz them on which one is a real emergency that requires a call to 9-1-1 and which one is not.

Using a fire extinguisher – This one is better suited for older elementary students since it’s a bit more complex. Most fire extinguishers have directions attached so even reading them together will give them an understanding of how to use it. Younger students should know where the fire extinguisher is located in the home, so they can guide an adult in case of a fire.

Laundry 101 – From sorting and washing to drying and folding, this is one life skill that is a must. Early elementary students can help you sort piles by color and fold small items. As they get older, they can learn how to use the washer and dryer, and fold larger items as well as hang pants, blouses, etc.

Housekeeping tasks – There are household tasks that students should learn how to do from an early age. You can make it fun by creating chore charts for either allowance or a fun reward. Depending on your child’s age and abilities, tasks can include taking out the trash, replacing the garbage bag, sweeping or vacuuming small rooms, washing dishes/loading the dishwasher, or helping dry plates and utensils then putting them back in their place.

Cooking / baking – Most children love to help in the kitchen. Get your younger student involved by having them help you measure and prep meals (and practice some math skills at the same time). Once they get into their late elementary years, you can teach them how to make simple things like scrambled eggs, pancakes, salads, etc.

Life Skills for Middle School

If you’re looking for a life skills curriculum for middle school, check out these tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine. During the pre-teen years, your child will crave independence, and these skills will help them feel self-sufficient and grown up.

Communication skills – Whether it’s making a doctor’s appointment or ordering take out, there will come a time when it has to be done. Students should be able to make these kinds of phone calls in which their speaking and listening skills are front and center. Just like when they were ‘little’, you can practice making calls to schedule appointments, order pizza, and even ‘pretend’ emails to a business about an issue or complaint.

Laundry 2.0 – At this point, your student probably knows how to wash their clothes. Take it to the next step by teaching them how to iron clothes. Whether they are going to a dance, wedding or job interview, looking their best will help them feel confident. Start with small articles of clothing and then work your way up to shirts, blouses and pants. You can also show them how to replace a button or patch a hole.

Kitchen skills – Cooking more complex recipes, as well as using appliances such as the slow cooker, oven, blender, etc. will help your child gain even more important kitchen skills. Be sure to stress the importance of safety, and if they’re unsure about anything, to ask an adult. You can also have your middle schooler help with meal planning, creating grocery lists, and helping you shop at the supermarket.

First aid – Having even basic first aid skills can go a long way and even prove life-saving. Consider teaching your child things like putting pressure on a bleeding wound, icing a swollen injury, treating a nose bleed or burn, or take it a step further and enroll them in a CPR course. They’ll learn how to perform chest compressions, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and how to assist a person who is choking.

General maintenance – Whether they choose to rent or purchase a house in the future, learning about general home maintenance will help your child take care of their investment. Changing light bulbs, replacing air filters, painting a room, hanging picture frames or artwork, taking care of the landscape, and staying on top of heating and cooling systems are just some of the tasks that you can begin teaching your student now.

High School Life Skills

If you have an older child, these life skills activities for high school students can help prepare them for the next phase of their life, whether it’s attending college, moving out of the house, or going right into the workforce.

Job readiness – At this point, students should start to become familiar with how to write a resume, look for and apply for a job or internship, and learn how to ace an interview. Soft skills such as proper etiquette, knowing how to dress accordingly, having confidence, being respectful and working with a team will also help give them an advantage and help them succeed.

Money management – Help your child understand the importance of budgeting their money, saving some of their earnings, and using credit cards responsibly. Encourage them to open a checking or savings account and take an economics and personal finance course. They’ll learn a number of important concepts and skills such as the role money plays in society, how to write a check and balance a checkbook, the importance of insurance, and the fundamentals of loans, investing, and planning for retirement.

Learning to drive – Chances are, your child will probably bring this one up before you do. Learning how to operate a vehicle safely is a must in today’s world. In addition to learning to drive, it’s also important that your young adult know how to change a tire, check fluid levels, and perhaps even change the vehicle’s oil. You may even consider enlisting the help of a relative or close friend with a passion for cars.

Great outdoors – Having outdoor skills such as knowing how to start a fire or use a charcoal grill, cast a fishing line and clean a fish, use a compass or map, and find a water source and make it safe for drinking are just some outdoor survival skills that will empower your child and also come in handy during hikes, camping trips, or in the event they get lost in the wilderness.

Handy skills – At some point, your young adult will make a purchase that requires installation, set up or assembly. Although most items come with an owner’s manual, getting your child acquainted with specific parts and terminology now will help them in the future, whether it’s to set up a DVD player or television, install a program on a computer, or assemble a furniture item like a bookcase, dining table, or office desk.

As always, make sure to stress the importance of safety, whether it’s using protective gear like goggles or gloves, making sure an adult is always present, or knowing what to do in case of an emergency.

Learning life skills are an important part of a child’s development. Preparing them for the real world can be a rewarding experience for you and an empowering one for them as they gain the skills to succeed both now and as an adult.

Read More on this here  or here

The Seven Essential Life Skills

Focus and self-control. This life skill allows you to focus on the “right” information in a world full of distractions. It also helps you to curb impulsive behavior and control yourself.

Tips for parents: Parents of younger children can play games that require that children pay attention to rules and follow directions such as “Red Light, Green Light” and “Simon Says.” Parents of older children should encourage their children to pursue their passions. The more motivated they are, the more they will pay attention to what they are learning.

Perspective taking. This skill involves figuring out what others think and feel, and creates a foundation for children to understand other people’s intentions. When children understand other people’s perspectives, they are less likely to be involved in fights and conflicts.

Tips for parents: Parents of younger children can help a child understand that he or she is “heard” by imitating the sounds infants make, repeating words toddlers make, or helping children express themselves. Parents of older children can help them understand the actions of others by discussing their motivations. They can also use fights as an opportunity to discuss the two sides of a story.

Communicating. Once you are able to understand other people’s perspectives, the skill of communicating involves understanding how your communication is going to be understood by others.

Tips for parents: Ask questions that go beyond the “here and now,” such as, “If you do that, what do you think will happen next?” You can also read with children in ways that use books as a platform for conversations. Ask questions about the reasons characters acted or what they think the characters are going to do on the next page.

Making connections. This skill requires putting information into different categories and understanding what is the same and what is different. The ability to make unusual connections is the heart of creativity.

Tips for parents: Parents of younger children can play matching games which will help with making connections. Parents of older children can talk about math when in the supermarket or famous artists when drawing at home.

Critical thinking. When we think critically, we think about “what causes what” to happen. Galinsky explains that it is the “ongoing search for valid and reliable knowledge to guide beliefs, decisions, and actions.”

Tips for parents: Help children think critically by allowing them to resolve issues on their own without jumping in too quickly. Help them learn the resources available to them to learn and check facts on their own.

Taking on challenges. Since the world we live in involves challenges, children who are willing to proactively take on a challenge will do better in school and in life. This skill also involves resilience in the face of adversity.

Tips for parents: Praise your child’s efforts (not their successes). Children will be more likely to try new, hard things if they know that is a virtue in and of itself. Get support for yourself as a parent. If you aren’t able to face challenges, you won’t be able to teach your child to face them.

Self-directed, engaged learning. This skill involves continued engagement in learning and knowledge.

Tips for parents: Provide first-hand learning experiences. Continue learning yourself as a model for your children. Create a community of learners with those around you.


Further Reading

Book Smart is not the (Only) Goal

 It’s no surprise that Albert Einstein was not a huge fan of school. Though he later lectured at universities around the world and changed the way we think about science, he struggled as a student in school. As Einstein points out in the quote above, school is extremely important, but so is the learning children do outside of school. In her book, Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs , Ellen Galinksy writes, “It is clear that there is information children need to learn – facts, figures, concepts, insights, and understandings. But we have neglected something that is equally essential – children need life skills.”

What are these life skills? Why does your child need these life skills? How can they gain and practice these life skills?

I’ve written about Executive Function Disorder (EFD) in the past, and Galinsky actually pinpoints these life skills within the range of executive functions. What do I mean by executive function? In their book, Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents, Peg Dawson and Richard Guare explain:

Executive skills allow us to organize our behavior over time and override immediate demands in favor of longer-term goals. Through the use of these skills we can plan and organize activities, sustain attention, and persist to complete a task. Executive skills enable us to manage our emotions and monitor our thoughts in order to work more efficiently and effectively. Simply stated, these skills help us to regulate our behavior.

Among the individual skills that allow people to self-regulate are:

  • Planning: the ability to create a roadmap to reach a goal. This also includes the ability to focus only on what is important.
  • Organization: the ability to keep track of multiple sets of information and materials.
  • Time management: the ability to understand how much time one has, and to figure out how to divide it in order to meet a goal.
  • Working memory: the ability to hold information in mind even while performing other tasks.
  • Metacognition: the ability to self-monitor and recognize when you are doing something poorly or well.
  • Response inhibition: the ability to think before you speak or act.
  • Sustained attention: the ability to attend to a situation or task in spite of distraction, fatigue or boredom.

Wednesday 11 August 2021

PSQ -शिक्षार्थियों के समग्र विकास के लिए व्यक्तिगत-सामाजिक गुणों का विकास


Can students practice PSQs while doing experiments in the laboratory or when studying social science?•While participating in the morning assembly 

what are the qualities that can be nurtured in students?  

School Library is a Rich Resource where PSQs can be Nurtured: In a library adolescent learners can explore not only along with their peers but  also  on  their  own  the  various  facts  about  science,  literature,  politics,  society, current affairs, etc. As they move from children’s literature/story books and start reading classics, biographies and autobiographies, science fictions,  thrillers,  etc.  along  with  newspapers  and  magazines,  they  get  to know  how  the  society  functions.  

Encouraging  learners  to  share,  discuss,  deliberate and think critically on the issues that they read may help them become  more  sensitive,  respectful,  compassionate,  understanding  and  caring  about  issues  that  impact  not  just  them,  their  family,  friends  and  acquaintances but also the society at large and humanity   

Sunday 8 August 2021

India’s 🇮🇳 Olympics -Medals -Tokyo olympic 2021




















This is highest #olympics tally we ever got in any single edition.