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Thursday 11 January 2024


Aspire career day is organized every term and it is not an occasion where students just dress to depict professionals in the field of the career they intend to venture. It is a well-planned and executed program that provides real value to students and all participants.

It is a day set aside to educate the Aspire Scholar on the programs they are offering and career paths available to them in the job market.

Activities for this day are planned to create maximum awareness and enable our scholars to interact with professionals in various fields to share information about their workplace, their job, and the education and skills that are required for success in their career

Career days are days where activities are planned to expose participants to their Career Awareness stage of the work-based learning continuum and provide authentic experiences to all.

This program is essential and is designed to meet specific learning objectives in helping participants connect what they are learning in school with the workplace.

The day will provide an opportunity for all participants to interact with speakers or navigate selected events independently, seeking information about the industry and the career options it provides. Participants will also understand the education required for entry into the industry and participating in a business’s role in the economy and the world as a whole.


The main purpose of the Aspire Career Day is to Career days expose students to a variety of careers and jobs and connect them to partners in the field. Partners will be selected to mentor students through the school liaison on Career and related activities.

The activities are designed to:

  • Provide a realistic picture of the workplace
  • Help students make the connection between school and the workplace
  • Inform career planning.


Activities for the day will be structured in a manner that offers opportunities for students to listen, receive information, and ask questions. The activities are structured to:

Enable students:

  • obtain a deeper understanding of the course or their interest and begin identifying areas of career interest
  • Elevate students’ comfort level in interacting with adult professionals in a secure and safe manner
  • Provide a setting where students can demonstrate their communication skills
  • Support classroom preparation, including research on the industry and participating businesses
  • Create opportunities for students to reflect upon the experience both verbally and in writing
  • The day will also enable Aspire Management to view their students from a different angle, assess their participation and interests and provide better orientation and support.
  • We shall also set up a counselling platform to provide professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.
  • Lessons learned from this program will enable the school improve its operations. From next term a career czar will be appointed who will ensure that the career awareness is not just a day but a continuous engagement and support program for deepening students understanding and helping them make better choices.


Our career day will be organised in five formats and in a manner that deliver unique experiences to students and employers. Formats includes:

  • Two, 40-minute panel sessions with selected students participating in each session.
  • One interactive session interactive session with upper primary and above students
  • Career Day booth format where students visit booths that are staffed by employers and networks.
  • Guest speaker series where selected industry representatives rotate and visit different classrooms.
  • Student interaction where students will hold roundtable discussions on their experience.


Expected outcomes for students who are better aware of their career path, to enhanced information about future workplace opportunities through learning from business partners to students who are eager to research and provide Aspire with feedback to improve the program in all ways.

Activities are connected to:

  • Individual career development and/or training plans
  • Future work-based learning activities
  • The student’s next steps
  • Students research topics for assessment and reward.



Project : Career Day @School



·       To create maximum awareness and enable our scholars to interact with counselors in various fields and to share information about workplace, job, and the education and skills that are required for success in career.

·       Career day for school students are days where activities are planned to expose participants to their Career Awareness stage of the work-based learning continuum and provide authentic experiences to all.


·       This program is essential and is designed to meet specific learning objectives in helping participants connect what they are learning in school with the workplace.

·       The day will provide an opportunity for all participants to interact with speakers or navigate selected events independently, seeking information about the industry and the career options it provides.

·       Participants will also understand the education required for entry into the industry and participating in a business’s role in the economy and the world as a whole.


·       The main purpose of the Career Day is to expose students to a variety of careers and jobs and connect them to partners in the field. Partners will be selected to mentor students through the school liaison on Career and related activities.

The activities are designed to:

·       Provide a realistic picture of the workplace

·       Help students make the connection between school and the workplace

·       Informed career planning.


·       Activities for the day will be structured in a manner that offers opportunities for students to listen, receive information, and ask questions. The activities are structured to:

Enable students:

·       obtain a deeper understanding of the course or their interest and begin identifying areas of career interest

·       Elevate students’ comfort level in interacting with adult professionals in a secure and safe manner

·       Provide a setting where students can demonstrate their communication skills

·       Support classroom preparation, including research on the industry and participating businesses

·       Create opportunities for students to reflect upon the experience both verbally and in writing

·       The day will also enable to view students from a different angle, assess their participation and interests and provide better orientation and support.

·       We shall also set up a counseling platform to provide professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.

·       Lessons learned from this program will enable the school improve its operations. will ensure that the career awareness is not just a day but a continuous engagement and support program for deepening students understanding and helping them make better choices.


Our career day will be organized in five formats and in a manner that deliver unique experiences to students. Formats include:

·       Two, 40-minute panel sessions with students participating in each session.

·       One interactive session with upper primary and above students

·       Career Day booth format where students visit booths that are staffed by employers and networks.

·       Guest speaker where selected industry representatives visit schools.

·       Student interaction where students will hold roundtable discussions on their experience.


·       Expected outcomes for students who are better aware of their career path,

·       To enhance information about future workplace opportunities through learning from business partners

·       Students who are eager to research and provide with feedback to improve the program in all ways.

Activities are connected to:

·       Individual career development and/or training plans

·       Future work-based learning activities

·       The student’s next steps.

·       Students research topics for assessment and reward.

Wednesday 10 January 2024


 The highest priority of school education will be “Universal acquisition of Foundational learning skills by Grade 3”


The pre-existing knowledge of language helps in building literacy skills in languages. The key components in Foundational Language and Literacy are:

Oral Language Development Includes improved listening comprehension; oral vocabulary and extended conversation skills. The experiences in oral language are important for developing skills of reading and writing. 

Decoding Involves deciphering written words based on understanding the relationship between symbols and their sounds Reading Fluency Refers to the ability to read a text with accuracy, speed (automaticity), expression (prosody), and comprehension that allows children to make meaning from the text. Many children recognize aksharas, but read them laboriously, one by one. 

Reading Comprehension Involves constructing meaning from a text and thinking critically about it. This domain covers the competencies of understanding texts and retrieving information from them, as well as interpreting texts. 

Writing This domain includes the competencies of writing aksharas and words as well as writing for expression 


 Outline of the Module 

1 Historical Perspectives on Work-Based Education in India 

2 Present Scenario of Skill Development 

3 Work Experience and Pre-Vocational Education Programme 

4 vocationalisation of Education under Samagra Shiksha 

Module Objectives 

After going through this unit, the trainee should be able to: 

1. Comprehend historical perspectives on work-based education in India 

2. Describe the key features of skill development in India 

3. Describe the purpose of work experience and pre-vocational education programme. 

4. Describe the vocationalisation of school education under the SamagraShiksha Module Overview

Reimagining Vocational Education Background Paper ForTeacher’s Fes




'School Evaluation' as the means and 'School Improvement' as the goal

The need for effective schools and improving school performance is increasingly felt in the Indian education system to provide quality education for all children. The quality initiatives in school education sector, thus, necessitate focusing on school, its performance and improvement. In a major step towards comprehensive school evaluation as central to improving quality of school education in India, National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation has been initiated by National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), under the aegis of Union Ministry of Human Resource Development.

NPSSE visualizes ‘School Evaluation’ as the means and ‘School Improvement’ as the goal. It refers to evaluating the individual school and its performance in a holistic and continuous manner leading to school improvement in an incremental manner. The major objectives of NPSSE are to develop a technically sound conceptual framework, methodology, instrument, and process of school evaluation to suit the diversity of Indian schools; to develop a critical mass of human resource for adaptation and contextualization of the school evaluation framework and practices across states.

The programme envisions reaching 1.5 million schools in the country through a comprehensive system of school evaluation. As part of this endeavour, the School Standards and Evaluation Framework (SSEF) has been developed as an instrument for evaluating school performance. This will enable the school to evaluate its performance against the well-defined criteria in a focused and strategic manner. The SSEF comprises seven ‘Key Domains’ as the significant criteria for evaluating performance of schools. The ‘Framework’ has been developed through a participatory and mutual consensus approach on 'How to evaluate diversified Indian schools for Incremental Improvement’. The SSEF has the flexibility that makes it eminently suitable for adaptation, contextualization and translation in state-specific languages. It has been designed as a strategic instrument for both self and external evaluation. Both the evaluation processes are complementary to each other and ensure that the two approaches work in synergy for the improvement of the school as a whole.

As part of the SSEF, a ‘School Evaluation Dashboard e-Samiksha’ has been developed to facilitate each school to provide consolidated evaluation report, including areas prioritized for improvement. The School Evaluation Dashboard is developed both in print and digitized format.

The School Evaluation Dashboard, obtained from each school, will be consolidated at cluster, block, district, state and national level for identifying school-specific needs and common areas of intervention to improve school performance. A web-portal and Mobile App on School Standards and Evaluation are in the process of development.

In order to translate the objectives of NPSSE to institutionalize ‘School Evaluation for Improvement’, a strong operational plan has been formulated to extend support to each state. A dedicated Unit at NIEPA is leading this programme under the guidance of National Technical Group (NTG) and in strong collaboration with the states.


 Major Features

Holistic approach to education

  • Treat school education holistically as a continuum from Pre-school to Class 12
  • Inclusion of senior secondary levels and pre-school levels in support for School education for the first time

Administrative reform

  • Single and unified administrative structure leading to harmonized implementation
  • Flexibility to States to prioritise their interventions under the Scheme
  • An integrated administration looking at ‘school’ as a continuum

Focus on Quality of Education

  • Enhanced focus on improving quality of education by focus on the two T’s – Teachers and Technology
  • Enhanced Capacity Building of Teachers and School Heads
  • Focus on strengthening Teacher Education Institutions like SCERTs and DIETs to improve the quality of prospective teachers in the system
  • SCERT to be the nodal institution for in-service and pre-service teacher training – will make training dynamic and need-based.
  • Support for Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan to promote Science and Maths learning in schools.
  • Support Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat Programme to develop foundational skills at primary level.
  • Provision of library grants for every school ranging from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 20000.

Focus on Digital Education

  • Support ‘Operation Digital Board’ in all secondary schools over a period of 5 years, which will revolutionize education- easy to understand, technology based learning classrooms will become flipped classrooms.
  • Enhanced use of digital technology in education through smart classrooms, digital boards and DTH channels
  • Digital initiatives like UDISE+, Shagun, to be strengthened
  • Strengthening of ICT infrastructure in schools from upper primary to higher secondary level.

Strengthening of Schools

  • Enhanced Transport facility to children across all classes from I to VIII for universal access to school
  • Composite school grant increased from Rs. 14,500-50,000 to Rs. 25,000- 1 Lakh and to be allocated on the basis of school enrolment.
  • Specific provision for Swachhta activities – support ‘Swachh Vidyalaya’
  • Improve the Quality of Infrastructure in Government Schools

Focus on Girl Education

  • Upgradation of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) from Class 6-8 to Class 6-12.
  • Self-defence training for girls from upper primary to senior secondary stage
  • Enhanced Commitment to ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’

Focus on Inclusion

  • Allocation for uniforms under RTE Act enhanced from Rs. 400 to Rs. 600 per child per annum.
  • Allocation for textbooks under the RTE Act, enhanced from Rs. 150/250 to Rs. 250/400 per child per annum. Energized textbooks to be introduced.
  • Allocation for Children with Special Needs (CwSN) increased from Rs. 3000 to Rs. 3500 per child per annum. Stipend of Rs. 200 per month for Girls with Special Needs from Classes 1 to 12.

Focus on Skill Development

  • Exposure to Vocational Skills at Upper Primary Level would be extended.
  • Vocational education for Class 9-12 as integrated with the curriculum and to be made more practical and industry oriented.
  • Reinforce emphasis on ‘Kaushal Vikas’

Focus on Sports and Physical Education

  • Sports Education to be an integral part of curriculum
  • Every school will receive sports equipments at the cost of Rs. 5000 for Primary Schools, Rs. 10,000 for upper primary schools and up to Rs. 25,000 for secondary and senior secondary schools to inculcate and emphasize relevance of sports.

Focus on Regional Balance

  • Promote Balanced Educational Development
  • Preference to Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs), LWE affected districts, Special Focus Districts (SFDs), Border areas and the 117 aspirational districts identified by Niti Aayog

National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA)

 The National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), (Deemed to be University) established by the erstwhile Ministry of Human Resource Development(now Ministry of Education), Government of India, is a premier organization dealing with capacity building and research in planning and management of education not only in India but also in South Asia.

In recognition of the pioneering work done by the organization in the field of educational planning and administration, the Government of India have empowered it to award its own degrees by way of conferring it the status of Deemed to be University in August, 2006. Like any Central University, NIEPA is fully maintained by the Government of India.

The National Institute has its origin dating back to 1962 when the UNESCO established the Asian Regional Centre for Educational Planners and Administrators which later became the Asian Institute of Educational Planning and Administration in 1965. After 4 years of its existence, it was taken over by the Government of India and renamed as the National Staff College for Educational Planners and Administrators. Subsequently, with the increased roles and functions of the National Staff College, particularly in capacity building, research and professional support services to governments, it was again renamed as the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) in 1979.

NIEPA offers a widely acclaimed International Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration (IDEPA) for the senior educational policy makers, planners and administrators annually to international participants. IDEPA was started in the year 1985 as a sequel to the recommendations of the sub-regional meeting for Asian countries organised by the Indian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO in 1983. The National Institute has successfully completed as many as twenty-eight such IDEPA Programmes, one in each successive year. Over the years, participation in terms of the number of countries and participants has increased considerably.

Until now, a total of 953 trainees from 93 countries of Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, West Asia, South and South-East Asia, Latin America and Pacific regions have participated in the Programme.

Aim: IDEPA endeavours to promote the spirit of regional cooperation, international understanding and goodwill through the exchange of experiences on subject matter and issues important to the development of human resources. With this mission, it aims at augmenting capabilities and competencies in educational planning and administration.

Objectives:The International Diploma Programme has gained its uniqueness over the years by continually updating of its objectives and course structures in order to keep pace with the changing scenario. The Programme in general strives to understand educational developments in developing countries with particular reference to policy, planning and management, especially on quality and equity issues relating to school, vocational and higher education.

IDEPA encompasses the principles, concepts and techniques of educational planning, supervision, administration, management and leadership for fulfilling the national goals and meeting local requirements of various countries. In this regard, it tries to develop skills of analysis, statistical interpretation, forecasting, and project preparation for macro and micro level educational planning, on the one hand, and effective managerial leadership skills in educational administration, project management and programme implementation on the other.

Nominations will be sought shortly from international participants for 2024 IDEPA that is scheduled from February to July 2024 as a six-month programme.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Atal Innovation Mission

 Official YouTube Channel of

Atal Innovation Mission.

Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is the Government of India’s flagship initiative to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. AIM’s objective is to develop new programs and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors of the economy, provide platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders, create awareness, and create an umbrella structure to oversee the innovation ecosystem of the country.

AIM’s flagship schemes include establishing Atal Tinkering Labs and Atal Incubation Centers, scaling up support to Established Incubation Centers, and finding ultra-low cost solutions to India’s most intractable problems through Atal Grand Challenges.

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36.4K subscribers
666 videos
Joined Jun 20, 2017
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पराक्रम दिवस- 23 january (Subhas Chandra Bose)


Dec 16, 2018