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Wednesday 22 April 2020

Webinar lock down...“World Book Day”...23rd April "World Book and Copyright Day”

23rd April is known as “World Book Day”, and  also as “World Book and Copyright Day”, or “International Day of the Book”.  

In 1995 UNESCO decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on 23 April, to celebrate every year on 23 April to promote reading, publishing, and copyright. 

This date is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, as well as that of the birth or death of several other prominent authors. 

When the world is fighting with “COVID-19” and best way to protect with this dangerous virus is “Stay Home & Social Distancing”. 

During the period of isolation or self- quarantine, books are the best friend. So to celebrate this day, 
BIMTECH, Greater Noida and 
Post Graduate Government College for Women – 42, Chandigarh…….
in collaboration with 
Ranganathan Society for Social Welfare and Library Development…… 
is going to organise 
Virtual Symposium on 
FaceBook on the theme

 ‘Value of Books in Life’ 
on 23rd April 2020 
from 10AM.

 To attend the event please like and follow the Facebook page 
The eminent speakers are from different areas.
To get the certificate please register at

No photo description available.

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#Lockdown2 के दौरान
 #COVID19 से संबंधित तनाव को
ध्यान के माध्यम से कम किया जा सकता है।

The ministry of health and family welfare said that in order to combat the mental health impact of the lockdown on individuals, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru based premier medical institution has launched a

 toll-free number - 08046110007 - for consultation.

Monday 20 April 2020




Saturday 18 April 2020

How Coronavirus is making Online Education go viral in India

With a pandemic lurking, colleges and universities have been forced to draw their curtains and shut their doors until further notice. Student, some stranded at hostels, PGs and some at home wonder through the day when will they be out and about again.
Meanwhile, as levels of uncertainty rise with the morning headlines every day, institutions have made arrangements to keep students hooked to their textbooks. Putting various e-learning apps to use, teachers and professors all across India have shifted to online mediums of teaching and imparting education. From live classes on Zoom to conducting assignments on Google Forms, all available platforms have been made use of, to help students keep their studies on track.
Where Professors are busy conducting online classes and seminars for students, college authorities have also taken up the initiative of making online courses from portals like Udemy and Coursera, making them available free of charge to the students. With these courses, teachers and institutes are doing their level best to urge students to take-up online classes that can help them build skills in a variety of domain.  
While organisations all over the globe are coerced to work from home, Corporates have taken the initiative to run Virtual or Remote Internships for B-School students. Students have actively been using online means of communication to connect with their mentors and have also enrolled themselves in relevant online courses to stay ahead of the curve. 
So, while Work from Home has become the talk of the town everywhere, especially on Social Media, Universities and Colleges are busy promoting Study from Home, taking every action necessary to provide quality education. In fact, boards of school education, like the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) have taken measures to ensure school students do not get sidetracked in this time of chaos and crisis. 
Apart from recommending online classes to students, teachers in various schools have been advised to record daily lessons and send them across to students via groups on WhatsApp or other channels of communication. Even as teachers prepare lessons and record lectures, they are making use of all mediums – from Whiteboards to Powerpoint Presentations, to ensure that students stay attentive in the comfort of their homes too. 
Not only have teachers stepped up to do their bit and contribute in whatever way possible, but also have the boards of schools. In a circular rolled out recently, CISCE has announced a one of its kind partnership with a Bengali television channel called ABP Ananda, to promote online education in India. 
The council teachers would take to television to teach the subjects of English, Science and Mathematics for classes 9 to 12. A one-hour introductory session was aired on the said channel on 12th April, Sunday, from 12:00 noon to 1 PM and basis the response, a few more slots will be made available to the council. 
The CBSE Board also stepped up to the plat and made all NCERT course books for classes 1 to 12 available for free. You can click here to get access to the books.  
Apart from supporting online education, school boards have also decided to promote all students to the next class. In line with the advisory issued by the HRD Ministry, CBSE has asked all its affiliated schools to promote all students of classes 1-8. Students of classes 9 and 11 will be promoted on grounds of internal assessments. Similarly, UP Board has also decided to promote all students of classes 1-9 and 11 without conducting exams. 
Unprecedented times have led to our schooling system to act and to evolve manifold. Teachers and professors have left no stone unturned to make classes available for students. And while the novel Coronavirus seems to have extended its stay in the country, it is heartening to see that our schools have opened their doors, arms and hearts to embrace true learning.


Disease prevention

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • If you cough or sneeze, do it into your sleeve, or use a tissue. Dispose of the tissue immediately into a closed rubbish bin, and then clean your hands.
  • Clean surfaces regularly with disinfectant. For example: always clean kitchen benches and work desks.

If you feel unwell

  • Avoid travelling if you have a fever and/or cough. Once you get home, make contact with a health professional and tell them about where you have been.
  • If you feel unwell, stay at home and call your healthcare provider.

On masks

Wear a mask if:
  • You are a health worker treating COVID-19 patients.
  • If you are healthy, but taking care of a person with suspected coronavirus infection.
  • If you are coughing or sneezing.
Masks are only effective when used in combination with frequent hand cleaning with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water. If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly, as shared here on the WHO website.

Managing rising anxiety or stigma

We know that your communities may be feeling anxious, stressed or frightened. Here are some important things to take into account and share with your community members:
  • It's normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Talking to people you trust can help, such as friends and family or your fellow community members.
  • If you must stay at home, maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper diet, sleep and exercise. Keep up with loved ones at home by email and phone and connect with your larger Facebook community for support.
  • Don't use smoking, alcohol or other drugs to deal with your emotions.
  • If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a health worker or counsellor. Have a plan on where to go to and how to seek help for physical and mental health needs if required.
  • Get the facts. Gather information that will help you accurately determine your risk so that you can take reasonable precautions. Find a credible source you can trust such as the WHO website or a local or state public health agency: NHS.
When posting in your communities, make sure that you share the latest facts from credible sources, avoid hyperbole and show solidarity with affected people by opening your community up to the stories of people who have been affected by the virus. Of course, bear in mind to not share information about someone else's health concerns (such as someone affected by COVID-19 without their permission).

Using Facebook tools to better manage your communities during this health concern

We've got a few tools you can use to manage your community efficiently if you are experiencing an increase in volume in posts, comments and questions during this time.
Manage the conversation and stay on top of misinformation
  • Post approval
Turning post approval on temporarily in your group can help you manage an influx of incoming questions, helping you better manage a series of repetitive questions coming through. Learn more here about how fellow admins use post approval.
If you don't want to turn on post approval for your entire group, you do have the option to turn on post approval for individual members you'd like to keep an eye on.
  • Posting controls in your Page
In terms of managing conversations on your Facebook Page, you can control if visitors can post on your Page by allowing or disabling posts by other people. Take a look at how to edit your Page posting settings here. You can also turn messaging on or off for your Page, depending on your community's needs and your team's resources.
  • Keyword alerts
Save time you'd otherwise spend scanning countless conversations for mention of the virus or other health concerns with keyword alerts. You can create a custom list of words and phrases, then receive notifications when those terms appear in your group so you can quickly and easily respond.
  • Block words and add a profanity filter
Pages have a few tools that will help you more easily moderate conversations. Block specific words you don't want to see on your Page and add a profanity filter to block words marked offensive by the community and prevent conflict. Take a look here for details on how to set up these moderation tools in your Facebook Page.
  • Enforcement tools: mute, block or close comments
When a thread is active, sometimes conversations can get out of hand. In your group, enforce your house rules, if needed; you can mute or block members in addition to closing comments on a thread. Learn more about enforcing group rules here.
  • Ban or remove people from your Page
On your Facebook Page, you can ban people from your Page or remove someone who likes your Page. You can also set country and age restrictions to control who can see and like your Page. Read more about controlling who can see your Page here.
Share credible, reliable information
  • Group announcements
Restricting all group conversations to one thread on coronavirus can help your admin team respond to questions and ensure that they don't miss anything. Make that thread a group announcement so your members can easily find it, reference it and engage there. Learn how to pin a post to announcements here.
  • Social learning units
If you have a series of information or resources to share, create a unit in your group to direct people to. We recommend sharing links to the World Health Organization.
Stay connected and support your community
  • Facebook Live and Watch Party
Facebook Live enables you to be part of what's happening around the world in real time, no matter where you are. If your community can't meet in person, you can use Facebook Live to host online events and stay connected. Go live from the Facebook app on your phone to broadcast a conversation with a speaker, a performance or a Q&A. You can also use a desktop camera or streaming software for higher quality audio and video.
Watch Party is another way to connect with friends and fans. Host or join a watch party to watch videos and chat together in real time.
  • Member requests
You may experience an influx of requests coming from potential members seeking support or information in your group. With a large enough increase, you can decide to put a hold on accepting requests or use our tools to help make the process easier for your admin team. See tips here on how to screen requests, or use our tool that will automatically approve new member requests based on certain membership requirements that you set.
  • Topics
Celebrate individuals writing supportive or informative posts. Create a topic in your group so people can easily find these threads and engage in the comments section.
We hope these tools across your communities help you manage the conversation more easily, highlight helpful, credible information and support your members. For more information on our efforts across both Facebook and Instagram, take a look at our Newsroom blog.

Thursday 16 April 2020

पुस्तको -उपहार

प्यारे विद्यर्थियो जैसा कि आप सभी को जनवरी और फरवरी माह में अवगत कराया गया था कि यदि आप अपनी पाठ्य पुस्तक उपहार स्वरूप ज़रुरत मंद विद्यार्थी को देना चाहते हैं तो 2 अप्रैल को पुस्तको उपहार कार्यक्रम किया जायेगा उसमे भाग ले सकते है।

परंतु लॉक डाउन की परिस्थिति मेंअब 
सभी विद्यार्थी अपनी पिछली कक्षा की पुस्तकें अपने साथी या जानकारी में जो भी बच्चा हों, जिसे आपकी पुस्तकों की आवश्यकता हो, उसे अपनी पुस्तके उपहार में अच्छे से कवर चढ़ा कर अपने माता पिता के माध्यम से सामाजिक दूरी का ध्यान रखते हुए उपहार स्वरूप दें सकते हैं ।

स्कूल खुलने पर अपने कक्षा अध्यापक को इस बारे में लिख कर अवगत करवाने हेतु आप अभी लोकडाउन में एक ग्रह कार्य कर रख लें ।

ग्रह कार्य: अपने प्राचार्य /कक्षा अध्यापक को आप द्वारा अपनी पुरानी परंतु अच्छी पाठ्य पुस्तकों को उपहार स्वरूप किसी जरूरतमंद विद्यार्थी को देने या लेने के बाद एक पत्र/ रिपोर्ट/डायरी/निबंध .....लिख कर अवगत करने हेतु  A4  कागज पर लिख कर रखें । 

नोट: कितनी पुस्तकें आपने उपहार में दी एवं / या कितनी आपने प्राप्त की को विषय बनाये ।

पुस्तक उपहार से पर्यावरण, समाज, नैतिक मूल्यों एवम कोरोना हिदायतों का अनुशरण आदि पर होने वाले प्रभाव का भी जिक्र करें।

के वी आई टी बी पी भानु
पंचकूला हरियाणा .

Tuesday 14 April 2020

The Laws of Lifetime Growth:       Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past

Compared to Stephen Covey and Tony Robbins as a visionary thinker, Dan Sullivan brings practical, powerful new approaches to success in life and business. "The Laws of Lifetime Growth outlines ten "laws" that give readers an internal framework for taking charge of their future. All it takes to use each of these laws is a slight shift in thinking, which anyone -- regardless of age, environment, or stage in life -- can instantly accomplish. Based on Sullivan's years of coaching in which he discovered what motivates people and unlocks their greatest abilities, "The Laws of Lifetime Growth explains how to use such timeless wisdom as "Always make your confidence greater than your comfort" and "Always make your contribution bigger than your reward." Sullivan's laws, startling in their simplicity, show readers how to stay focused and firm so that they can continually grow in all areas of life. 

1 .Always make your contributions bigger than your Rewards.

2. Always make your gratitude larger than your success.

Be proactive with your gratitude. That is given before it is deserved.

Use Sprint to break down large tasks into manageable goals with deadlines and then turn it into a game with Rewards.

3. Always make your purpose greater than your money.

Ask questions to genuinely know the answer. The example was the manager at Starbucks noticing a father and his daughter who had autism and asked how he and his associates could be more sensitive to her needs and make her experience more pleasurable. This led to him hiring an autistic person who became their best employee.

Therefore the goal is to Value great questions even more than answers.

Growth always comes on the heels of asking great questions when faced an adverse situations. 




Monday 13 April 2020

Remote & Online learning during the COVID19

Remote learning, distance education and online learning during the
COVID19 pandemic:

A Resource List by the World Bank’s Edtech Team
This list is regularly curated and organized by the World Bank’s Edtech Team 
(Last update: March 26)

For updated information, please visit the website:

The NIOS Swayamprabha

Channels are available at the following channel number in different DTH service providers:

In Airtel TV, on Ch 437 Ch 438

In vmVideocon: Channel no. 476 
Swayamprabha 28
Channel no 475. Swayamprabha 27 

In Tata sky it is Channel no. 756 which pops up window for all Swayamprabha DTH channels.

In Dish TV Now channel no. 27,28,30,32  coming in 946, 947,949,951
 for your kind

Live sessions by the experts in the field

A brand new series from NPTEL is available from April 13, 2020 onward.

Sunday 12 April 2020


You can now choose from a variety of newspapers available for you.

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*दैनिक जागरण*
*अमर उजाला*
*दी हिन्दू*
टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया*
*इंडियन एक्सप्रेस*
*नव भारत टाइम्स*
*आधार ज्योति*
*राजस्थान पत्रिका*
*पंजाब केसरी*
*डेली न्यूज*
*टाइम्स ग्रुप*

(You can save/bookmark these links. They are refreshed daily with the current day’s editions)