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Thursday 15 September 2016

Learning Physics ....on line...

Who should attend?

The discussion will be roughly at +2 and UG first year level but the experiments could be an educative experience for students from grade 9 onwards. Most of these experiments will throw some challenge to understand it, so even the well trained persons up to Postgraduate level will find it interesting!
Core target groups are  
(a)  Physics teachers teaching in schools from grade 9 to 12
(b)  Physics teachers teaching in colleges at B Sc, B.Tech level
(c)  Students from grade 9 to BSc/B.Tech
(d)  Others interested in enjoying Physics displayed by Nature in day-to-day life

Course Content

  • Shadows and rectilinear motion
  • Diffraction and Interference
  • Polarization
  • Scattering
  • Reflection
  • Fermat’s Principle
  • Refraction
  • Dispersion
  • Prisms and Lenses
  • Classification of forces
  • Non inertial frames and pseudo forces
  • Rotating frames, Centrifugal and coriolis force
  • Friction and Card-Coin experiment
  • Rolling
  • Angular momentum, Moment of inertia, Rigid body rotation
  • Conical Pendulum
  • Circular motion of charge in magnetic field
  • Force on a current in a magnetic field
  • B-field of a bar magnet and forces on a magnetic material in this field
  • Misconceptions on poles
  • Role of inhomogeneity in force on a magnet
  • Diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials
  • Curie Temperature
  • Faraday’s law of induction
  • Non conservative Electric Field
  • Lenz’s law and eddy currents
Oscillations and waves
  • Stable equilibrium and oscillations
  • Damped / Forced oscillations
  • Similarity between mechanical and L-C-R oscillations
  • Resonance
  • Complexity of Simple pendulum
  • Waves on a slinky, a string
  • Wave speed, dependence on tension and linear density
  • Standing waves on strings and on springs


Three Lectures to be released every week. Generally one on each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The lectures can be viewed any time during the 8 week course.Four Multiple choice quizzes will be held during the course for evaluation.There could be homework for which you might be asked to write and upload the answer file.


Certificates will be given to qualifying students based on their involvement and performance. Qualifying criteria will be announced soon. Certificates will be issued by Centre for Development of Technical Education (CDTE) , Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

Course Logistics

Start Date: 
September 20 , 2016
Duration : 8 weeks
Prerequisites : None
Registration : 
Open and free of charge

Instructor Incharge

Prof. H C Verma
Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Sunday 11 September 2016

Table of any 2- digit number.....

Method to write table of any 2- digit number.


Table of 97:

  9            7                    97
18         14    (18+1)    194
27         21    (27+2)    291
36         28    (36+2)    388
45         35    (45+3)    485
54         42    (54+4)    582
63         49    (63+4)    679
72         56    (72+5)    776
81         63    (81+6)    873
90         70    (90+7)    970

By using above method we can write
 table of any number from 10 to 99.

Chicago, Sept 11, 1893


Chicago, Sept 11, 1893

Sisters and Brothers of America,
It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world; I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects.
My thanks, also, to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honor of bearing to different lands the idea of toleration. I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance.
We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings: "As the different streams having their sources in different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee."
The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: "Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me." Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth.
They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.


Murari Lal Sharma (Neeras)

Sharma was born in the village of Koka, in the district of Rohtak, in the state of Haryana in India.
He is an alumnus of Ahir College Rewari. Following his college education, his interest in Ayurvedic medicine led him to obtain a degree in the subject as an Ayurveda Ratan.
Initially an educator, Sharma was employed with the Delhi government as a "Special Grade Teacher" until his retirement in 1995.
Sharma has produced both original works and translations of religious texts.
His translations include Neeras ki Shri Durga Upasana, translating the Hindu religious text Shri Durga Saptashati into Hindi verses, and Neeras ki Shri Gita, which similarly translates the Hindu religious text Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta.
His poetry includes works such as O Deepak Tum Jalte Rahna! and Desh Ko Naveen Tyaag Chaahiye!
Sharma is also a children's author, producing both original poetry and translations of famous English-language stories and poems for a younger audience, such as a translation of The Arab and His Camel.


Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition for Children
With a view to encourage, popularize and inculcate scientific temper among the children of the country, NCERT organizes national level science exhibition every year where children showcase their talents in science and mathematics and their applications in different areas related with our everyday life.

Objectives of the Exhibition

Saturday 10 September 2016


The story here...


September 5 :Teachers' Day.
September 8 :World Literacy Day.
September 16 :World Ozone Day.
September 21 :Alzheimer's Day.
September 26 : Day of the Deaf.
September 27 : World Tourism Day.

October 1 : International day of the Elderly.
October 3 :World Habitat Day.
October 4 :World Animal Welfare Day.
October 8 :Indian Air Force Day.
October 9 :World Post Office day.
October 10 :National Post Day.
October 13 :UN International Day for National disaster reduction.
October 14 :World Standards Day.
October 15 :World White Cane Day( guiding the Blind).
October 16 :World Food Day.
October 24 :UN Day, World development information Day.
October 30 :World Thrift Day.


Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme was introduced from the Academic year 2006-07. To encourage higher technical and professional education for the dependent wards and widows of Ex Servicemen / Ex Coast Guard personnel (below officer rank only).
A total number of 5500 scholarships are allotted in each academic year.
Scholarships are equally divided amongst boys and girls @ Rs..2000/- and  2250 /-respectively.
Scholarships are allotted for a period of one to five years as per the duration of the courses approved by the concerned regulatory bodies.
Scholarship amount is paid to the selected students annually.

Students Eligible for Scholarship

(a) Students who have taken admission in 2016 are only eligible to apply for PMSS 2016-17 online on KSB web portal Students should have scored 60% and above in Minimum Educational Qualification (MEQ) i.e 10+2 / Diploma / Graduation.

(b) Students studying in 2nd and subsequent years are not eligible.

(c) Students who are Dependent Wards & Widows of Ex Servicemen & Ex Coast Guard personnel who died in harness / disabled due to causes attributable to military service / coast guard service, irrespective of the rank. 

(d) Dependent wards of Ex Servicemen / Ex Coast Guard personnel and their widows (below officer rank only).

(e) Wards of Civilians including Para Military Personnel are NOT ELIGIBLE.

Minimum Eligible Marks in MEQ

Minimum educational qualification (MEQ) for entry to various Professional Courses differs e.g. for MBBS and B E it is 10+2 where as for BE / B Tech it is 10+2 / Diploma, It is graduation for B Ed and MBA. A candidate must have minimum 60% marks in MEQ to apply for PM scholarship Scheme.


Sainik E-Library

Sainik E-Library

Science & Engineering

Social Sciences   

Health & Life Sciences



Friday 9 September 2016

Reading the Past, Writing the Future

World Literacy Day ...8 the Sep 2016.

Reading the Past, Writing the Future

The world has changed since 1966 – but our determination to provide every woman and man with the skills, capacities and opportunities to become everything they wish, in dignity and respect, remains as firm as ever. Literacy is a foundation to build a more sustainable future for all.                                                                                                         UNESCO Director-General   

Thursday 8 September 2016


Sunday 4 September 2016

Teachers Day....


Tuesday 30 August 2016


1) अल्टीमीटर → उंचाई सूचित करने हेतु वैज्ञानिक यंत्र
2) अमीटर → विद्युत् धारा मापन
3) अनेमोमीटर → वायुवेग का मापन
4) ऑडियोफोन → श्रवणशक्ति सुधारना
5) बाइनाक्युलर → दूरस्थ वस्तुओं को देखना
6) बैरोग्राफ → वायुमंडलीय दाब का मापन
7) क्रेस्कोग्राफ → पौधों की वृद्धि का अभिलेखन
8) क्रोनोमीटर → ठीक ठीक समय जान्ने हेतु जहाज में लगायी जाने वाली घड़ी
9) कार्डियोग्राफ → ह्रदयगति का मापन
10) कार्डियोग्राम → कार्डियोग्राफ का कार्य में सहयोगी
11) कैपिलर्स → कम्पास
12) डीपसर्किल → नतिकोण का मापन
13) डायनमो→ यांत्रिक ऊर्जा को विद्युत् उर्जा में बदलना
14) इपिडियास्कोप → फिल्मों का पर्दे पर प्रक्षेपण
15) फैदोमीटर → समुद्र की गहराई मापना
16) गल्वनोमीटर → अति अल्प विद्युत् धारा का मापन
17) गाड्गरमुलर → परमाणु कण की उपस्थिति व्जा नकारी लेने हेतु
18) मैनोमीटर → गैस का घनत्व नापना
19) माइक्रोटोम्स → किसी वस्तु का अनुवीक्षनीय परिक्षण हेतु छोटे भागों में विभाजित करता है।
20) ओडोमीटर → कार द्वारा तय की गयी दूरी बताता है।
21) पेरिस्कोप → जल के भीतर से बाहरी वस्तुएं देखि जाती हैं।
22) फोटोमीटर → प्रकाश दीप्ति का मापन
23) पाइरोमीटर → अत्यंत उच्च ताप का मापन
24) रेडियोमीटर → विकिरण द्वारा विकरित उर्जा का मापन
25) सीज्मोमीटर → भूकंप की तीव्रता का मापन
26) सेक्सटेंट → ग्रहों की उंचाई जानने हेतु
27) ट्रांसफॉर्मर → प्रत्यावर्ती धारा की वोल्टता में परिवर्तन करने हेतु
28) टेलीप्रिंटर → टेलीग्राफ द्वारा भेजी गयी सूचनाओं को स्वतः छापने वाला यंत्र
29) टैक्सीमीटर → टैक्सीयों में किराया दर्शाने वाला यंत्र
30) टैकोमीटर → मोटरबोट व् वायुयान का वेगमापक
31) टेलीस्कोप → दूरस्थ वस्तुओं को देखने में सहायक यंत्र
32) जाइरोस्कोप → घूमती वस्तु की गतिकी का अध्ययन
33) ग्रेवीमीटर → जल में उपस्थित तेल क्षेत्रों का पता लगाना
34) ग्रामोफोन → रिकार्ड पर उपस्थित ध्वनि को पुनः सुनाने वाला यंत्र
35) कायमोग्राफ → रक्तदाब, धडकन का अध्ययन
36) कायनेस्कोप→ टेलीविजन स्क्रीन के रूप में
37) कैलिपर्स → छोटी दूरियां मापने वाला यंत्र
38) कैलोरीमीटर → ऊष्मामापन का कार्य
39) कार्ब्युरेटर → इंजन में पेट्रोल का एक निश्चित भाग वायु में भेजने वाला यंत्र
40) कम्पास → दिशा ज्ञान हेतु प्रयुक्त
41) कम्प्यूटेटर → विद्युत्धारा की दिशा बताने वाला यंत्र
42) एपिकायस्कोप → अपारदर्शी चित्रों को पर्दे पर दिखाना
43) एपिडोस्कोप → सिनेमा में पर्दे पर चित्रों को दिखाना
44) एस्केलेटर → चलती हुई यांत्रिक सीढियां
45) एक्सियरोमीटर → वायुयान का वेगमापक
46) एक्टियोमीटर → सूर्य किरणों की तीव्रता मापने का यंत्र
47) एयरोमीटर → गैसों का भार व् घनत्व मापक
48) एक्युमुलेटर → विद्युत् उर्जा संग्राहक
49) ओसिलोग्राफ → विद्युत् अथवा यांत्रिक कम्पन सूचित करने हेतु
50) स्टेथोस्कोप → ह्रदय व् फेफड़े की गति के अध्ययन हेतु
51) स्फिग्नोमैनोमीटर → धमनियों में रक्तदाब की तीव्रता ज्ञात करना।।
52) जीटा → शून्य उर्जाताप नाभिकीय संयोजन
53) डेनियल सेल → परिपथ में विद्युत् उर्जा प्रवाहित करने हेतु
54) डिक्टाफोन → बातचीत रिकार्ड करके पुनः सुनाने वाला यंत्र
55) डायलिसिस → गुर्दे खराब होने पर रक्त शोधनहेतु
56) थर्मामीटर → ताप मापन हेतु
57) थर्मोस्टेट → ताप स्थाई बनाये रखने हेतु
58) हिप्सोमीटर → समुद्र तल से उंचाई ज्ञात करने हेतु
59) हाइड्रोफोन → पानी के भीतर ध्वनि अंकित करना
60) स्पेक्ट्रोमीटर →प्रकाश का अपवर्तनांक ज्ञातकरना
61) हाइड्रोमीटर → द्रवों की आपेक्षिक आर्द्रताज्ञात करना
62) हाइग्रोमीटर → वायु की आपेक्षिक आर्द्रताज्ञात करना
63) स्टीरियोस्कोप → फोटो को पर्दे पर त्रिविमीयरूप में दिखाना
64) वानडीग्राफ जनरेटर → उच्च विभवान्तर उत्पन्नकरना
65) वोल्टामीटर → विभवान्तर मापना
66) लैक्टोमीटर → दूध की शुद्धता मापना
67) रिफ़्रैक्टोमीटर → माध्यमों के अपवर्तनांक ज्ञातकरना।
68) रेन गेज → वर्षा की मात्रा का मापन
69) रेडिएटर → वाहनों के इंजन को ठंडा रखना
70) रेफ्रिजरेटर ;:: विशेषतः खाद्य पदार्थों को ठंडारखना
71) राडार → वायुयान की स्थिति ज्ञात करना
72) माइक्रोमीटर → अति लघु दूरियां नापना
73) मेगाफोन → ध्वनि को दूरस्थ स्थानों पर ले जाना
74) बैटरी → विद्युत् उर्जा का संग्रहण
75) बैरोमीटर → वायुदाब का मापन

आपसे नम्र निवेदन है,
अगर आपको कोई गलती आये तो कृप्या उसे ठीक करके सुचित् करें।

Sugamya Pustakalaya

Welcome to Sugamya Pustakalaya , India 's first and largest collection of accessible books. 

If you are looking for books accessible to the blind, people with low vision or to persons with any other print disability, this library of libraries is your one-stop shop.

Sugamya Pustakalaya is a collaborative effort of several organizations to end the book famine faced by people with print disabilities. 

Here, you can access books in diverse languages from various libraries across India. We have also partnered with international agencies like Bookshare and Accessible Books Consortium to provide you with accessible books from all over the world.

Users can access a collection of over 2, 30,000 books, maintain their individual reading shelves online and also download books in chosen formats. 

Sugamya Pustakalaya is a facilitating platform for producers of accessible content to jointly work in producing and providing accessible books to people with print disabilities. 

Publishers can also collaborate with us to publish their content in accessible formats. 

233095 Books available for download 
Books contributed by DFI member organizations and Bookshare

Monday 29 August 2016

National Board for Higher Mathematics

The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) was set up by the Government of India under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), in the year 1983, to foster the development of higher mathematics in the country, to formulate policies for the development of mathematics, help in the establishment and development of mathematical centres and give financial assistance to research projects and to doctoral and postdoctoral scholars. NBHM functions essentially autonomously framing its own budget taking into account the funds made available by DAE.

National Sports Day

August 29 is celebrated as the National Sports Day in dedication to the great hockey player Dhyan Chand. August 29, 1905 was the day when India’s talented hockey player was born in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Dhyan Chand also known as Major Dhyan Chand because of his association with the Indian army at the age of 16. However, his mentor Subhedar Major Bale Tiwari recognized his talent in the game and guided him through the intial stages of his career in the sport.

Pankaj Gupta was the first coach of Dhyan Chand who taught him the game and this made Dhyan Chand a master in ball dribbling and goal scoring. He also nick named the player with the name ‘Chand’ which means Moon in Hindi. Dhyan Chand also lead the Indian team as a captain and throughout his career had won 3 Olympic medals and also awarded Padma Bhushan and till date remains the only player in hockey to receive the award. Dhyan Chand retired from his service in army when he was 51 at the post of Major. During the period 1928 – 1956, Dhyan Chand won the gold Olympic medal 6 times in a row.

The lifetime achievement awards in sports, which is regarded as the highest in the field in India, the Dhyan Chand Award was initiated in 2002, to those who have contributed during their career in sports as well as have been major contributors in the promotions of the sports after retirement. Dhyan Chand contributed to the game even after his retirement. He was positioned as the Hockey Coach Chief at the National Institute of Sports in Patiala and also taught at many coaching camps in Rajasthan.

Major Dhyan Chand also has a stadium recognsied by his name as the Dhyan Chand National Stadium in New Delhi.

August 29 is celebrated in the remembrance of such a dedicated and talented player. On this day, the President of the country gives away honorable sports awards such as the Arjuna Award, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna and Dhronacharya Award at the President’s house.

The day is also celebrated as the Annual Sports Day in many schools across the country. Moreover, the youth is made aware about the advancement of sports in the country and is also motivated to make a successful career in different sports.

Wednesday 24 August 2016



 WITH BEST WISHES  FOR EVER........................................


Skill India

Skill India Portal was conceptualized to provide a collaboration
platform to help empower the all stakeholders to freely connect
with each other. The overall focus of this initiative is to help provide
an engaging ecosystem to cater to skilling needs of citizens by
publishing and sharing relevant information. The outcome of this
collaboration should ideally lead to inclusive growth especially
 for those at the bottom of the pyramid (approximately 800 million citizens).
  The portal attempts to disseminate reliable information and by
providing an interface to enquire, explore, and access and engage
with various affiliated and accredited training partners, infrastructure
providers, understand skill options, opportunities, information on
various providers, reliable and credible digital content.
Skill India Portal initiative is mainly targeted at citizens seeking to
 enhance their existing skills. Ministry of Skill Development &
 Entrepreneurship along with National Skills Development Corporation
(NSDC) has partnered with CMC to develop this platform which is
completely integrated with NSDC’s
Skill Development Management System (SDMS).

भारतीय वन प्रबंध संस्थान, भोपाल Indian Institute of Forest Management

The Indian Institute of Forest Management is a sectoral management institute, which constantly endeavors to evolve knowledge useful for the managers in the area of Forest, Environment and Natural Resources Management and allied sectors. It disseminates such knowledge in ways that promote its application by individuals and organizations. IIFM has been established with the following objectives :
  • Provide training in management and related subjects for persons from the Indian Forest Service, Forest Departments, Forest Development Corporation and Forest related industries with a view to equip them to practice the art and profession of management of forestry development.
  • Inculcate an appreciation in those selected for training, that conservation is of overriding importance in the management of living natural resources and that the primary role of forests is the vital ecological and environmental purpose they serve.
  • Select and prepare outstanding and talented young persons for careers leading to management responsibility in forestry and the forest-related system.
  • Meet the need of Indian forestry and forest-related industry and commerce in respect of upto-date information on forestry management through research, consulting and publication.
  • Assist, institute and carry out research in matters concerning the use of management and allied techniques and methods conducive to the development of forestry in the country.
  • Institute awards, scholarships, fellowships, prizes and medals in accordance with the rules and bye-laws.
  • Create patronships, affiliations & other classes of professional or honorary membership or office, as the society may consider necessary.
The mandate of IIFM is appropriately reflected in its mission statement :
"To Provide Leadership in Professional Forestry Management Aimed at Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development of Ecosystems"

Group Discussion

HSTSE/NTSE Level- 2016&17

HSTSE/NTSE Level- 2016&17



 (HScTSS) 2016&17



1. Pre-Requisites for Applying Online Application Form:—

a. Prospectus 2016-17 ( website )
b. Your email id (eg. 
c. Scanned copy of Photograph, Signature , Cast certificate and Disability certificate ensuring that all required scan images should be in .jpeg format with size of each scan must be less than 2MB 
d. Your Mobile Number 
e. Pin Code with the details of Correspondence Address. 
f. Education Qualification & Weightage detail ( for NMMS exam is class 7th and for NTSE Level-1/ HScTSS exam is class 9th) (minimum 55% marks for Gen and minimum 50% marks for Reserve Category) 
g. For NTSE LEVEL-1 EXAM-2016 AND HScTSS-2016, one application form will be filled. 

2. Read the Instructions & prospectus carefully and then start the process of “filling online application form”.


 Data will not be saved without clicking “Submit” button, click on “ submit” button to save the details filled by you.
 After submitting the application, you will be assisgned the Username & Password , take a printout and keep it Confidential and Safe.
 Information regarding Application Form, Admit card, will be available on our website.

for Enquiry (From 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days)

For examination: - 0124-2314909,2301981, - (for General information about examination).

For Online form: - 9899666647, 9717356311, 9717399150, 9899189393 or via email,


Exam Branch, SCERT Haryana,Sohna Road, Gurgaon
(SCERT) 0124-2301981  0124&2314909 
(NCERT) PH.011-26560464 


Step 1: Go to SCERT Haryana website and click on Online Application Form Links :

1. For NMMS students studying in class 8th( Govt./Govt. aided School only)

2. For HSTSE( NTSE level-1 Exam) and HScTSS-2016 students studying in class10th in Haryana State.


(HSTSE/NTSE Level-I) 2016-17



August 3 :International Friendship Day.
August 6 :Hiroshima Day,
August 9 :Quit India Day and Nagasaki Day.
August 15 :Independence Day.
August 29 :National Sports Day.

September 5 :Teachers' Day.
September 8 :World Literacy Day.
September 16 :World Ozone Day.
September 21 :Alzheimer's Day.
September 26 : Day of the Deaf.
September 27 : World Tourism Day.

Tuesday 23 August 2016
