Saturday 30 May 2020




Friday 29 May 2020

SHANTI KIJIYE ..........

KVS  हेडक्वार्टर द्वारा रिलीज किया हुआ एक शांति पाठ 
जिसमे केंद्रीय विद्यालय के शिक्षकों ने अपनी आवाज़ दी है। 

इसे संगीतबद्ध किया है श्री उदय शंकर (संगीत शिक्षक) गुरुग्राम , ने किया है। 

कृपया ज़रूर सुनें और शेयर करें।

KVS हेडक्वार्टर के यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब भी करें। 

Kubler Ross Model- 5 stages

The fear of the people when our country's corona count was 100, is not there when it is over 100,000 today.  The answer lies in the psychological view of man.  There is a philosophy called the "Kubler Ross Model".  That is, when a human goes through any tragedy, natural disaster, accident, they pass  through 5 stages.  They are


1. Denial - Refusal to believe such a thing EVER happened. 

For example, we all denied that Corona will not come to us.  Even it comes ,  repeated denial  that it will not spread to our place due to hot climatic conditions.

2. Anger - Getting angry. 

For example,  anger over the loss of income and the loss of normal life due to lock down.

 3. Bargain - Inwardly lamenting that the Corona may not have come and there should NOT have been a lock down at all.

 4.  Depression - It happened like this and goes in to mental pressure and depression.

5. Acceptance - the last stage.  The other way around is to accept it. 

Example: used to live with Corona .

These 5 levels are not limited to Corona.  Applies to all the problems in human life.

What will the wise person do ?

Going straight from the first level to the fifth level he will set  to make next steps to progress in life.

  कैसे पता चलेगा कि आप कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित हैं?

  1. गला
  2. सूखा गला
  3. सूखी खांसी
  4. उच्च तापमान
  5. सांस की तकलीफ
  6. गंध की कमी…।

अधिक क्षारीय खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन करें।
  जैसे कि :
  हरा नींबू - 9.9 पीएच
  पीला नींबू - 8.2 पीएच
  एवोकैडो - 15.6 पीएच
  * लहसुन - 13.2 पीएच
  * आम - 8.7 पीएच
  * कीनू - 8.5 पीएच
  * अनानास - 12.7 पीएच
  * वॉटरक्रेस - 22.7 पीएच
  * संतरे - 9.2 पीएच

  1. विटामिन सी -1000
  2. विटामिन ई (ई)
  3. (10 से 11) घंटे तक, 15-20 मिनट धूप में बैठे।
  4. एक बार अंडा खाना ।।
  5. हम आराम करते हैं / कम से कम 7-8 घंटे सोते हैं
  6. हम रोजाना 1.5 लीटर पानी पीते हैं
  7. सभी भोजन गर्म (ठंडा नहीं) होना चाहिए।

मास्क का उपयोग सीमित समय के लिए किया जाना चाहिए।  यदि आप इसे लंबे समय तक पहनते हैं:

 1. रक्त में ऑक्सीजन कम हो जाती है।

 2. मस्तिष्क को ऑक्सीजन कम करता है।

 3. आप कमजोर महसूस करने लगते हैं।



Wednesday 27 May 2020


 - Year 1 AC

 (After Coronavirus)-

The world is currently experiencing a global pandemic due to the outbreak of a coronavirus causing COVID-19. This critical, complex, and unprecedented situation is having major impacts for our societies across the world. Young people, just like everyone else, will face the economic and social consequences of this crisis in the coming times. In this context, UNESCO and Takhte jointly invite young people to engage in a reflection - through words - on some of those important open questions facing humanity.

Words are power. Wielded thoughtfully, words and ideas have a very real potential to bring about change and drive reflection, particularly in times of crisis. But, are today’s young people from the socalled GenZable to use written words effectively?

Can they communicate original ideas forcefully, and construct meaningful, informative and thought-provoking pieces of writing reflecting on the challenges around them? In order to give Indian youth a platform to demonstrate their critical thinking and writing skills, Takhte1 and the UNESCO New Delhi Cluster Office2 are launching the second edition of the contest titled as ‘Year 1 AC (After Coronavirus): Pan India Online Essay Contest 2020’for children (aged 11– 14 years) and youth (aged 15–24 years), to reflect the unprecedented nature of the unfolding crisis.

Unlike last year, the competition will be launched and remain open as the on-going crisis unfolds. Entries will be received on a rolling basis, and UNESCO and Takhte will select each week the five (5) best essays from each age group to be published daily on their websites and social media. Later on, the 100 winning essays will be published as a book.

2. Contest Categories, Essay Topics and Submission Guidelines

Takhte (
Takhte ( offers professional writing services. In the last four years, Takhte has successfully set a series of benchmarks in relation to book writing, among the most recent being its production of the book Artists of India: Modern and Contemporary Art, which has been acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Takhte promotes creativity in a range of art forms.In 2019, the organization aims to build an innovative platform for young Indian writers to express their views about key contemporary subjects.

UNESCO ( is a specialized UN agency with a mandate to build peace through international cooperation in the fields of education, the sciences, culture, and communication and information. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.The UNESCO New Delhi Cluster Office is mandated to cover six South Asian countries -- Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

2.1. Contest Categories
The essay contest has separate categories for children (aged 11–14years at the time of submission) and youth (aged 15–24 years at the time of submission) respectively. The five essay topics for participants in each of these categories are as follows:

A. Essay topics for children

Learning at home during lockdown: my parents and my teachers

Stronger together and a new word for us: solidarity.......
For more details .....Click the link below....

Ganga Quest

 Now ends On May 30th. 2020
If not attempted then quickly
login to
& play Ganga Quest !
Hurry up & get a chance to win exciting prizes!

Intelligence is good but wisdom achieves better results.

1. Intelligence leads to arguments.
Wisdom leads to settlements.
2. Intelligence is power of will.
Wisdom is power OVER  will.
3. Intelligence is heat, it burns.
Wisdom is warmth, it comforts.
4. Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge, it tires the seeker.
Wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker.
5. Intelligence is holding on.
Wisdom is letting go.
6. Intelligence leads you.
Wisdom guides you.
7. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything.
A wise man knows that there is still something to learn.
8. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point.
A wise man knows there really is no point.
9. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice.
A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered.
10. An intelligent man understands what is being said.
A wise man understands what is left unsaid.
11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something.
A wise man speaks when he has something to say.
12. An intelligent man sees  everything as relative.
A wise man sees everything as related.
13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow.
A wise man navigates the mass flow.
14. An intelligent man preaches.
A wise man reaches.

Intelligence is good
but wisdom achieves better results.


Dear Friends, Podcast and website for my friends. 
Audacity software for Recording and Editing tracks and upload mp3 fileS ON website . 
After Editing make video file for my YouTube channel #list13 with Camtasia 9.0 software.
So friends listen free motivational hindi audiobook on your android mobile, Iphone, PC and laptop. 

Please send my your valuable comments, guidance and many more suggestions.

Happy Listning


NEAT (National Education Alliance for Technology) is a Govt. of India initiative for skilling of learners in latest technologies through a PPP (Public Private Partnership) model.

NEAT is a one stop portal for quality digital teaching solutions/products in education. These products help students develop skills that have a high demand among employers. Many of the Products are Intelligent and give a personalized lerning experience to students.

Any Student, Faculty or Professional, having an aptitude to learn new technologies through digital mode can register on NEAT portal to buy products.

AICTE is th eimplementing agency for the NEAT portal. It is a facilitator to provide a platform for learners interested in upgrading their skill sets and knowledge in emerging and upcoming technologies for enhancing employability.

Yes, students from special category (as defined from time to time by the Government of India) will be eligible for free license/registration for product as per the FREE SEAT SCHEME of AICTE. The Schem may be revised time to time. Only students of AICTE approved Government colleges, with an annual family income of less than Rs 8,00,000 p.a are nominated by the respective educational institutions for FREE SEAT SCHEME.





Logo Design Contest for Atal Bhujal Yojana (Atal Jal)

Atal Bhujal Yojana (Atal Jal) is a recently launched central sector scheme of Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti with World Bank assistance. It aims to facilitate sustainable management of ground water resources with community participation with emphasis on demand management.
DoWR, RD & GR hereby invites creative designers, artists and innovators to participate in Logo designing contest for Atal Bhujal Yojana (Atal Jal). The theme of the contest will be “Atal Bhujal Yojana (ATAL JAL) with focus on Community-led Ground Water Management”. It is being launched with the objective of promoting and publicising the scheme among the public and to raise awareness on water conservation. The logo will also reflect the importance of community participation in implementation of the scheme.
Click here to read the description.
Click here to read the Terms and Conditions.
The winner of the contest will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-
Last date of submission of entries is 3rd June,2020 by 6pm.
For any queries, connect to:
(link sends e-mail

Art Competition for World Environment Day

Each Category will have three themes
1. Wildlife (Fauna) – Animals, Birds, reptiles, amphibians etc.
2. Wilderness Landscape of Bihar.
3. Places of Eco-tourist importance of Bihar.

The theme of all the artistic creations have to be situated within the State of Bihar, but the entries can come from anywhere in the world.
Click here to read the Terms and Conditions.
Prize and Recognition
Top 3 selected winners from each category will be given an online certificate.
Photography competition
Cash Prize-1st Prize - Rs.25,000/-, 2nd Prize Rs.15,000/-, 3rd Prize Rs.10,000/-, Consolation Prize Rs.5000/- (5 selected participants)

Painting, Sketching, Digital Art Competition
Each category has Cash Prize- 1st Prize Rs. 15,000/-, 2nd Prize Rs. 10,000/-, 3rd Prize Rs.5,000/-, Consolation Prize Rs.3000/- (5 selected participants)

Thursday 21 May 2020

Lockdown Learning: 11 Life Skills Parents are Teaching in Lockdown

80% of parents are using lockdown to teach their kids important life skills

● How to cook is the top life skill parents are teaching (77%) followed by budgeting (72%) and housekeeping (61%)

● 62% of those surveyed believe schools failed at preparing them for real life.

● Taxes, debt, and mental health are amongst the things parents wish schools taught them growing up

Teaching their children how to cook is the most popular life skill for parents (77%). With a majority of restaurants closing, it’s no surprise that parents want their kids to know how to cook for themselves.

Second, on the list is budgeting (72%). Unfortunately, due to lockdown many people have lost their jobs/been furloughed and utility bills are rising. Teaching your children how to budget can help them become financially independent in the future and to prepare for unforeseen situations.
38% of parents are teaching their kids how to grow vegetables in lockdown. As many supermarkets are struggling to keep up with demand, it is a great skill to have.
Lower down on the list of life skills parents are teaching their kids is sewing (12%). With fast fashion becoming more and more of a problem, learning to sew can help save the earth and your children’s pockets.


What Are Life Skills?

“There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.”
- James Truslow Adams

Skills that we need to deal effectively with the challenges in everyday life – at school, during work, or in our personal lives. Usually, these skills can be applied to more than one facet of life.
Life Skills touch upon issues that are real (they actually affect quality of life), topical, sometimes sensitive (they can impact people on a personal level), often controversial (people tend to have strong opinions, and disagreements are common), and ultimately moral (these skills tie in with how people think about good or bad, right or wrong)

Five Portals Offering Free Online Courses During Lockdown that are Helping Students and Professionals

Here is a list of five portals offering free online courses during lockdown that are helping students and professionals at home to upskill themselves
As citizens of the country are forced to stay at home to protect themselves from getting infected from the deadly Coronavirus, free online courses during lockdown are proving to be a blessing. Not only are these courses helping students and professionals upskill themselves, but are also an extremely productive way to pass time.
In order to help those who are hoping to take these courses, several reputed organizations such as NASSCOM, TCS and Google have allowed free access to these online and some are even providing digital certifications. Let us now take a look at five free online courses that can be taken by students and professionals during the lockdown.

Five Free Online Courses during Lockdown By Industry Leaders

NASSCOM Offers Free Online Courses: NASSCOM is offering courses such as AI Foundation Course, AI for everyone, and other similar subjects for free on its portal SkillUp Online, which was launched with support from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). The AI Foundation Course that would have normally cost Rs 6800 can be taken for free online until 15 May 2020. Interested students need to enroll on the official Skillup Online portal with a valid email address and password to begin taking the courses.
TCS Offers Digital Certification Programme for Free: IT behemoth TCS is offering a a 15-day digital certification programme called Career Edge – Knockdown the Lockdown for free through TCS iON. The course aims at fine-tuning the communication, presentation and behavioural skills of students to create an impact in interviews and the workplace. Those who successfully complete the course will also receive a certificate. Undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates, freshers, and professionals can enroll for the course by registering for the same on the official website.
Harvard University Offers over 60 Free Online Courses: Harvard Universty, one of the most reputable institutions in the world, is offering as many as 64 online courses for free in the lockdown period. The courses span across various subjects namely Business, Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Programming, Science, Education and Teaching, Art and Design, Health and Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences. Students will have to log in with the website through their Facebook, Google, or Microsoft accounts, or also create a new account with the edx website by providing a valid email address, username, password, and country of residence to enroll for the courses.
AICTE ELIS Portal Launched: An online training platform by the name Enhancement in Learning with Improvement In Skills (ELIS) has been launched by the All India Council for Technical Education to offer free online courses from a single platform. The e-learning contents on the portal have been sourced from 18 leading Ed-tech companies with 26 different courses. These courses will be offered for free until 15 May 2020. Interested students and professionals can visit the official platform to enroll for the courses.
Google offers various courses for free: Google also has come forward to offer free online courses on data and technology, digital marketing and career and development. The courses range from 2 hours to over 20 hours in length. Both free and paid certification are available depending on the course opted for by the students. Those interested can visit the Google Digital Unlocked platform to enroll for the courses.
Apart from these platforms, artificial intelligence is a subject that learners seem to be interested in. While advanced AI courses are paid, several platforms are offering beginners courses in AI for free. Here are some platforms that are offering free courses on Artificial Intelligence for Beginners.