Monday 25 May 2020


NEAT (National Education Alliance for Technology) is a Govt. of India initiative for skilling of learners in latest technologies through a PPP (Public Private Partnership) model.

NEAT is a one stop portal for quality digital teaching solutions/products in education. These products help students develop skills that have a high demand among employers. Many of the Products are Intelligent and give a personalized lerning experience to students.

Any Student, Faculty or Professional, having an aptitude to learn new technologies through digital mode can register on NEAT portal to buy products.

AICTE is th eimplementing agency for the NEAT portal. It is a facilitator to provide a platform for learners interested in upgrading their skill sets and knowledge in emerging and upcoming technologies for enhancing employability.

Yes, students from special category (as defined from time to time by the Government of India) will be eligible for free license/registration for product as per the FREE SEAT SCHEME of AICTE. The Schem may be revised time to time. Only students of AICTE approved Government colleges, with an annual family income of less than Rs 8,00,000 p.a are nominated by the respective educational institutions for FREE SEAT SCHEME.


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