Thursday 21 May 2020

Lockdown Learning: 11 Life Skills Parents are Teaching in Lockdown

80% of parents are using lockdown to teach their kids important life skills

● How to cook is the top life skill parents are teaching (77%) followed by budgeting (72%) and housekeeping (61%)

● 62% of those surveyed believe schools failed at preparing them for real life.

● Taxes, debt, and mental health are amongst the things parents wish schools taught them growing up

Teaching their children how to cook is the most popular life skill for parents (77%). With a majority of restaurants closing, it’s no surprise that parents want their kids to know how to cook for themselves.

Second, on the list is budgeting (72%). Unfortunately, due to lockdown many people have lost their jobs/been furloughed and utility bills are rising. Teaching your children how to budget can help them become financially independent in the future and to prepare for unforeseen situations.
38% of parents are teaching their kids how to grow vegetables in lockdown. As many supermarkets are struggling to keep up with demand, it is a great skill to have.
Lower down on the list of life skills parents are teaching their kids is sewing (12%). With fast fashion becoming more and more of a problem, learning to sew can help save the earth and your children’s pockets.


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