Friday 29 May 2020

Kubler Ross Model- 5 stages

The fear of the people when our country's corona count was 100, is not there when it is over 100,000 today.  The answer lies in the psychological view of man.  There is a philosophy called the "Kubler Ross Model".  That is, when a human goes through any tragedy, natural disaster, accident, they pass  through 5 stages.  They are


1. Denial - Refusal to believe such a thing EVER happened. 

For example, we all denied that Corona will not come to us.  Even it comes ,  repeated denial  that it will not spread to our place due to hot climatic conditions.

2. Anger - Getting angry. 

For example,  anger over the loss of income and the loss of normal life due to lock down.

 3. Bargain - Inwardly lamenting that the Corona may not have come and there should NOT have been a lock down at all.

 4.  Depression - It happened like this and goes in to mental pressure and depression.

5. Acceptance - the last stage.  The other way around is to accept it. 

Example: used to live with Corona .

These 5 levels are not limited to Corona.  Applies to all the problems in human life.

What will the wise person do ?

Going straight from the first level to the fifth level he will set  to make next steps to progress in life.

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