Wednesday 27 May 2020


 - Year 1 AC

 (After Coronavirus)-

The world is currently experiencing a global pandemic due to the outbreak of a coronavirus causing COVID-19. This critical, complex, and unprecedented situation is having major impacts for our societies across the world. Young people, just like everyone else, will face the economic and social consequences of this crisis in the coming times. In this context, UNESCO and Takhte jointly invite young people to engage in a reflection - through words - on some of those important open questions facing humanity.

Words are power. Wielded thoughtfully, words and ideas have a very real potential to bring about change and drive reflection, particularly in times of crisis. But, are today’s young people from the socalled GenZable to use written words effectively?

Can they communicate original ideas forcefully, and construct meaningful, informative and thought-provoking pieces of writing reflecting on the challenges around them? In order to give Indian youth a platform to demonstrate their critical thinking and writing skills, Takhte1 and the UNESCO New Delhi Cluster Office2 are launching the second edition of the contest titled as ‘Year 1 AC (After Coronavirus): Pan India Online Essay Contest 2020’for children (aged 11– 14 years) and youth (aged 15–24 years), to reflect the unprecedented nature of the unfolding crisis.

Unlike last year, the competition will be launched and remain open as the on-going crisis unfolds. Entries will be received on a rolling basis, and UNESCO and Takhte will select each week the five (5) best essays from each age group to be published daily on their websites and social media. Later on, the 100 winning essays will be published as a book.

2. Contest Categories, Essay Topics and Submission Guidelines

Takhte (
Takhte ( offers professional writing services. In the last four years, Takhte has successfully set a series of benchmarks in relation to book writing, among the most recent being its production of the book Artists of India: Modern and Contemporary Art, which has been acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Takhte promotes creativity in a range of art forms.In 2019, the organization aims to build an innovative platform for young Indian writers to express their views about key contemporary subjects.

UNESCO ( is a specialized UN agency with a mandate to build peace through international cooperation in the fields of education, the sciences, culture, and communication and information. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.The UNESCO New Delhi Cluster Office is mandated to cover six South Asian countries -- Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

2.1. Contest Categories
The essay contest has separate categories for children (aged 11–14years at the time of submission) and youth (aged 15–24 years at the time of submission) respectively. The five essay topics for participants in each of these categories are as follows:

A. Essay topics for children

Learning at home during lockdown: my parents and my teachers

Stronger together and a new word for us: solidarity.......
For more details .....Click the link below....

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