Wednesday, 4 December 2024

10 Point Agenda To Increase Readership & Participation of Teachers in the Library .


1. Please visit and browse through the library, Books,  Blog, and School Library WhatsApp group regularly for Current awareness services. (CAS)
2.  Get maximum books of your interest issued as per library rules and return on time.
3. Read and recommend the books to the students/ Library cited in your subject /chapters.
4. Actively participate in the Readers club activities of club to which you are a member or otherwise encourage your team to read and present book reviews in note book/ class room / morning assembly and on the blog as per the need/ event.
5. Visit and participate in all the book exhibitions organized by Library as per plan displayed / announcements and make maximum use of it.
6. Utilize the library resources to its maximum for teaching learning. Your seats are reserved in Teachers corner.  
7. A Target of Mini. 12 books/year/ Tr. should be achieved in a session excluding your subject-related books.  
8. Recommend good books to the library for purchase you come across (simple requisition form available in library/ blog/ staff room /format given below)
9. Donate books to the library/students (through Vidyalaya library- Green Book Bank – Pustko- Uphaar scheme ) that you have read and find it worth sharing.
10. Top Borrowers/ donors will be suitably rewarded by the vidyalaya.

LIBRARIAN                                                                                                                                                                     PRINCIPAL
Use this format for Books Recommendation / Requisition     

KV.................................................................................. Dt……………
Kindly Arrange to provide the following books in the Library 

Title of book / magazine DVD etc.
Approx cost.
Your name
Design/ class



Lib. Committee Approval .......................... ...........Librarian........................................  Principal 

Teacher’s Corner in the Library

  1. Air-conditioned Library corner.
  2. 8 PC with Wi-Fi broadband facility.
  3. Library Book Search on computer.     
  4. Reserved Chairs for you.
  5. Extended 30 minutes. Service on demand after school time.
  6. Max. Books issue at a time limit raised (5-10 books).
  7. Book on demand- 48 hrs. Delivery time for new book requisition.
  8.  Recommend your subject-related magazines/e-journals etc. in Library.(You may contact the librarian if you come across a title worth being in our Library even during your journey/ outstation stay) 
  9. Magazines may also be issued. 
  10. Blog and YouTube channel on various subjects for Teachers.

    Kindly give your valuable suggestions whenever you visit Library. 

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