Thursday 19 August 2021

The Seven Essential Life Skills

Focus and self-control. This life skill allows you to focus on the “right” information in a world full of distractions. It also helps you to curb impulsive behavior and control yourself.

Tips for parents: Parents of younger children can play games that require that children pay attention to rules and follow directions such as “Red Light, Green Light” and “Simon Says.” Parents of older children should encourage their children to pursue their passions. The more motivated they are, the more they will pay attention to what they are learning.

Perspective taking. This skill involves figuring out what others think and feel, and creates a foundation for children to understand other people’s intentions. When children understand other people’s perspectives, they are less likely to be involved in fights and conflicts.

Tips for parents: Parents of younger children can help a child understand that he or she is “heard” by imitating the sounds infants make, repeating words toddlers make, or helping children express themselves. Parents of older children can help them understand the actions of others by discussing their motivations. They can also use fights as an opportunity to discuss the two sides of a story.

Communicating. Once you are able to understand other people’s perspectives, the skill of communicating involves understanding how your communication is going to be understood by others.

Tips for parents: Ask questions that go beyond the “here and now,” such as, “If you do that, what do you think will happen next?” You can also read with children in ways that use books as a platform for conversations. Ask questions about the reasons characters acted or what they think the characters are going to do on the next page.

Making connections. This skill requires putting information into different categories and understanding what is the same and what is different. The ability to make unusual connections is the heart of creativity.

Tips for parents: Parents of younger children can play matching games which will help with making connections. Parents of older children can talk about math when in the supermarket or famous artists when drawing at home.

Critical thinking. When we think critically, we think about “what causes what” to happen. Galinsky explains that it is the “ongoing search for valid and reliable knowledge to guide beliefs, decisions, and actions.”

Tips for parents: Help children think critically by allowing them to resolve issues on their own without jumping in too quickly. Help them learn the resources available to them to learn and check facts on their own.

Taking on challenges. Since the world we live in involves challenges, children who are willing to proactively take on a challenge will do better in school and in life. This skill also involves resilience in the face of adversity.

Tips for parents: Praise your child’s efforts (not their successes). Children will be more likely to try new, hard things if they know that is a virtue in and of itself. Get support for yourself as a parent. If you aren’t able to face challenges, you won’t be able to teach your child to face them.

Self-directed, engaged learning. This skill involves continued engagement in learning and knowledge.

Tips for parents: Provide first-hand learning experiences. Continue learning yourself as a model for your children. Create a community of learners with those around you.


Further Reading

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