Wednesday 11 August 2021

PSQ -शिक्षार्थियों के समग्र विकास के लिए व्यक्तिगत-सामाजिक गुणों का विकास


Can students practice PSQs while doing experiments in the laboratory or when studying social science?•While participating in the morning assembly 

what are the qualities that can be nurtured in students?  

School Library is a Rich Resource where PSQs can be Nurtured: In a library adolescent learners can explore not only along with their peers but  also  on  their  own  the  various  facts  about  science,  literature,  politics,  society, current affairs, etc. As they move from children’s literature/story books and start reading classics, biographies and autobiographies, science fictions,  thrillers,  etc.  along  with  newspapers  and  magazines,  they  get  to know  how  the  society  functions.  

Encouraging  learners  to  share,  discuss,  deliberate and think critically on the issues that they read may help them become  more  sensitive,  respectful,  compassionate,  understanding  and  caring  about  issues  that  impact  not  just  them,  their  family,  friends  and  acquaintances but also the society at large and humanity   

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