Saturday 17 October 2020

World Students’ Day-15 OCT -BY INDIA TODAY

World Students’ Day is celebrated every year on the birth anniversary of former President           Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. The Covid-19 pandemic has been hard on students, and the school closures have forced an education gap on millions across then underprivileged sections in India.

You can either complain about a situation or choose to fight back -- this valuable lesson has been highlighted by the sudden pause and the fast-paced technological shifts induced by the pandemic. As the planet struggled to make sense of the harsh and dangerous reality, human creativity has managed to beat some challenges posed by the pandemic.

Innovative solutions like online education, work-from-home scenarios, virtual learning and internships are the new way of life, worldwide.

 Here are 5 skills students should build to become life ready:

1. Adaptability, Agility and Resilience

How you respond to changes and your ability to adapt in an unforeseen situation, meet challenges-on-the go, your motivation matter. Work on yourself by paying attention to your reactions and responses. How do you interact with your peers?

2. Risk taking and Innovation

Taking a chance, out-of-box-solutions, coming with different ideas and willingness to embrace failures are some of the key requisites for the future leaders. Can you find solutions in impossible scenarios? It’s about attitude and belief!

3. Critical thinking

Your ability to assesses a situation from all aspects is a desirable trait. Are you a problem solver? Can you think of multiple solutions? Is there a perspective that you did not consider in a situation? Asking these key questions will prepare you for life and any situation.

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