Sunday 5 July 2020

CBSE Syllabus Reduction @ covid-19

Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE is expected to share a reduced syllabus with the various schools for Classes 9 to 12 soon. The new syllabus, officials have shared, are almost ready and would be shared with the respective schools soon. Furthermore, it is expected that the syllabus may be reduced by 33% for 10th 12h Board Exams 2021. Paper pattern is also expected to be revised.
CBSE has been in conversation with various stakeholders and also NCERT to rationalize the existing syllabus for secondary and higher secondary classes in view of the prevalent conditions. It has taken cognizance of the slowed speed of online learning, existing situations and also the fact that the schools may not open soon enough for many regions in the country. Taking all the factors into consideration, the board would be releasing a revised curriculum for Classes 9 to 12. For classes 1 to 8, the board has already notified schools to accordingly make the changed. 
Though the exact extent of the changes has not been shared as yet, Mr. Anurag Tripathi, in a webinar with various school Principals from across the country shared the board’s readiness. Heads of schools have shared the broad outline as shared by the secretary of the board, highlighting that the new syllabus and paper pattern is going to be more ‘student centric’.
The board has also pointed out the simple reduction of syllabus is not enough. With COVID-19 and closure of schools, education has been impacted to a large extent. Though online classes have started, there are considerable differences in classroom coaching and online classes. With this in mind, the board is expected to also make the following changes in the class 10, 12 exams, including revised paper patter, evaluation and assessment strategy.
Inclusion of online assessment in terms is small tests, project based and inter-group activities are being considered. Schools have also been advised to consider ‘Digital Labs’ and changing ‘practical’ to make it at home. No change in weightage of practical or internal marks was suggested. Guidelines for summative assessment are also expected to be shared by the board along with revised syllabus structure.
In another unconfirmed report, it was suggested that CBSE may increase the MCQ part of the paper pattern further. In previous years plans shared by the board, CBSE had already suggested an increase in the MCQ section to cover about 20%. This was further reminded by the board to the schools in a circular released in April. The board is likely to further increase the weight of MCQs. Some even suggested that the same may be increased to about 50% of the paper – this, however, was not suggested by the secretary in the meeting mentioned above.

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