Saturday 11 April 2020

Version 1: EyeNetra

Maker’s Asylum began when the ceiling of EyeNetra’s office in Mumbai fell down and broke all the furniture. Vaibhav, a carpenter by passion, hit social media looking for like-minded people in the city to join him in rebuilding the tables for his office. On November 7, 2013, eight DIY enthusiasts turned up at EyeNetra’s office and they made 3 tables on the first day. They decided to meet every Sunday and continue to build other fun things as well. The nascent community started to volunteer their tools and soon they ran out of space in the back room. They called that room — the Asylum.

Version 3.1: Delhi

Vaibhav is a Delhi boy who started building tables in his basement before he even knew what the definition of the maker movement was. A few of the problems he encountered while build the table was that he had to spend more on tools than materials and found himself with no one to turn to when faced with a glitch. Maker’s Asylum, Delhi, was born to ensure this doesn’t happen to anyone else. The enthusiastic community in the capital is a 2000-sq ft haven for makers.

Version 4: Andheri

The Asylum has a spanking new home and it’s bigger than ever! Our biggest source of strength has always been the community’s support. We turned once again to a crowdfunding campaign via Indiegogo to raise funds to rent a new space. Thanks to supporters around the world, we managed to raise enough to invest in your new and improved makerspace — 6,000 square feet of space in Andheri’s industrial district, inclusive of an open-air terrace.

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