Saturday 19 October 2019

Our Kids Lack Basic Life Skills

There are a lot of complaints that what is being taught in schools is not very practical in the real world. And it’s true.
Modern students can unravel complex mathematical problems, but still lack the skills to put together a meal, or do anything that helps them live as independent human beings.Sure, parents can pitch in and pick up the slack, teaching their kids skills they do not get at school. But still, the education system can do a better job of preparing these students to survive in the real world.While schools are perfectly fine letting kids decide what courses to take and allowing them to handle important career and life decisions, they forget to teach them simple life skills that can have a huge impact on their daily lives.
In one case, a mathematics professor claimed that many of the students had no idea that after owning a property, they would also have to pay property taxes for as long as they own them.Basic economics knowledge should go a long way in helping people become more independent.
After all, after school, these kids have to make important financial decisions that can affect the rest of their lives and those of the families they start.There is obviously a need for academics, but skills like cooking, sewing, budgeting, time management, and so forth would also go a long way to help these kids have more successful lives.

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