The Most Important Life Skills You Need!

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a company leader, or an entry-level employee, there are certain life skills that will not only increase your chances of being successful but will also help you maintain that success.
So what other important life skills are needed to help you — or your children — become super successful in life? Here are seven skills that I believe are absolutely essential.

1. Money Management

2. Mental Health...........................and more on

Saturday 26 October 2019


12 Reasons Why Chess Is Good For Your Children

12 Reasons Why Chess Is Good For Your Children

Benefits Of Teaching Kids To Play Chess
The game of chess requires honing your concentration skills
Chess is a game of patience because it can be long and involved so if a person has the attention span of a gnat then this is the perfect game for building their concentration skills. Their brain is going to get a workout.
This fascinating board game will help with problem solving skills and situations
So if I move my rook here what are the consequences? How can I get to the ultimate goal of checkmate? What is my opponent trying to do, what is their strategy?
Chess playing will help develop their memory system
First out of the gate there are all the moves of the various chess pieces to remember, and then there are the opening moves, the middle game and finally the endgame.
Playing chess involves the entire brain – not just left side right side stuff.
Our brains and especially the brain of a developing child needs to be used to its full capacity, a person who becomes lazy and not creative will find the right side of the brain becomes lazy as well. Playing chess engages the entire brain, it has no choice, either that or surrender your chessmen on the battle field.
To play chess you need to be able to think ahead and plan this helps develop those skills
Chess involves thinking several moves ahead and knowing the outcome of these moves. Also if I do this and my opponent does that then these are the results.
Chess promotes thinking strategically and developing tactics
The board game develops the ability to use tactics and strategic planning, it is mandatory because the player on the other side of the board is going to be using these skills and the one with the best set of skills often wins.
Playing chess may help with reading skills
Since the entire brain is used when playing the board game chess it stands to reason that children would improve their reading skills as well. In fact a study conducted proved that elementary children that played chess had better reading skills than non players.
Chess promotes creativity
Again with the entire brain thing again (sounding like a stuck record) improving creativity comes from engaging our entire brain and using our imagination, not just one side or the other.
Chess is methodical therefore requires critical thinking
When your child is engaged in a game of chess they are thinking on their own, they have no choice that is the rules of the game. They are not going to be able to Google their next move or consult someone, they are on their own, and chess is critical thinking 101.
The board game of chess may increase your child’s brain power
As the entire brain is used for processing thoughts, strategy and discipline it is also growing in terms of brain power. It is like a bodybuilder who uses weights to pump up their muscles, chess pumps up the kid’s brain muscle, okay that was not too scientific now was it? After all it is still a game!
Chess may teach children life skills and life lessons
If your child is going to play chess then they are going to win some games and lose some games either way they need to learn the life lesson of coping with winning or losing. Nobody likes a sore loser but even worse somebody that boast about their winning. Doing a little victory dance and spiking a bishop is not a good life skill.
The game of chess teaches discipline
Oh those dreaded words “discipline your child” sounds harsh but hey how about teaching them discipline via chess because it will require it. There is no obtaining checkmate by being willy-nilly all over the chess board it requires a disciplined game.

Saturday 19 October 2019

Our Kids Lack Basic Life Skills

There are a lot of complaints that what is being taught in schools is not very practical in the real world. And it’s true.
Modern students can unravel complex mathematical problems, but still lack the skills to put together a meal, or do anything that helps them live as independent human beings.Sure, parents can pitch in and pick up the slack, teaching their kids skills they do not get at school. But still, the education system can do a better job of preparing these students to survive in the real world.While schools are perfectly fine letting kids decide what courses to take and allowing them to handle important career and life decisions, they forget to teach them simple life skills that can have a huge impact on their daily lives.
In one case, a mathematics professor claimed that many of the students had no idea that after owning a property, they would also have to pay property taxes for as long as they own them.Basic economics knowledge should go a long way in helping people become more independent.
After all, after school, these kids have to make important financial decisions that can affect the rest of their lives and those of the families they start.There is obviously a need for academics, but skills like cooking, sewing, budgeting, time management, and so forth would also go a long way to help these kids have more successful lives.

Tuesday 1 October 2019


02 OCT 2019
 730 AM 


Fit India Plogging Run

1.  Register for the program on
2.       Click on organise/Partner 
3.       Register school details 
4.       Create event 
5.       Register Students/Teachers/Parents details
6.    Add/Edit list of participants
7.   Organise 2 km Plog Run on 2nd October
 8.  Download Event Elements(Backdrop 12*8/ 8*3 feet, Finisher Certificates, Selfie Stand, Flag (900×600 mm), 02-02 Run Logo, Fit India Logo from below ink:            
9.  Upload Photographs (while in action) and videos, Upload list of participants on  for Vidyalayas through your school login
10. All Schools to download Organiser e-Certificate from Fit India 
11. All Schools to download Participants e-Certificate as per registered Students/Teachers/Parents details

For KVS Plogging Run Impact

12.   Kendriya Vidyalayas/ROs/ZIET/KVS (HQ) should upload the required information
 (i. No. of participants i.e. Students, Parents & Teachers under each category
 ii. The weight of garbage i.e. poythene collected by each vidyalaya) high resolutions Pictures and Videos as per KVS Fit India Plogging Tracker 2019 available in the link:  and on their own school website as well, immediately after completion of Fit India Plogging Run on 02.10.2019 by 11 AM
13. All details should be filled online and within the time (i.e. by 11 AM) for compilation at KVS HQ 

International Day of Older Persons 1 October

60+ Counts logo
Between 2017 and 2030, the number of persons aged 60 years or over is projected to grow by 46 per cent (from 962 million to 1.4 billion) globally outnumbering youth, as well as children under the age of 10. Moreover, this increase will be the greatest and most rapid in the developing world (A/RES/73/143). Population ageing is poised to become one of the most significant social transformations of the 21st century.
Older people have always played a significant role in society as leaders, caretakers and custodians of tradition. Yet they are also highly vulnerable, with many falling into poverty, becoming disabled or facing discrimination. As health care improves, the population of older people is growing. Their needs are also growing, as are their contributions to the world.
The International Day of Older Persons is an opportunity to highlight the important contributions that older people make to society and raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges of ageing in today’s world.

List of Important Days 2019

September 2019:

  • September 02: Coconut Day
  • September 05: Teachers’ Day; Sanskrit Day
  • September 07: World Forgiveness Day
  • September 08: World Literacy Day (UNESCO)
  • September 14: Hindi Day
  • September 15: Engineers’ Day
  • September 16: World Ozone Day
  • September 21: Alzheimer’s Day; Day for Peace & Non-violence (UN)
  • September 22: Rose Day (Welfare of cancer patients)
  • September 25: Social Justice Day
  • September 26: Day of the Deaf
  • September 27: World Tourism Day
October 2019:
  • October 01: International Day for the Elderly
  • October 02: Gandhi Jayanthi
  • October 03: World Habitat Day
  • October 04: World Animal Welfare Day
  • October 05: World Teachers Day
  • October 08: Indian Air Force Day
  • October 09: World Post Office Day
  • October 10: National Post Day
  • October 2nd Thursday: World Sight Day
  • October 12: World Sight Day
  • October 13: UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
  • October 14: World Standards Day
  • October 15: World White Cane Day (guiding the blind)
  • October 16: World Food Day
  • October 17: International Poverty Day
  • October 20: World Statistics Day
  • October 21: National Police Day
  • October 24: UN Day; World Development Information Day
  • October 28: International Animation Day
  • October 30: World Thrift Day
  • October 31: National Integration Day
November 2019:
  • November 07: Infant Protection Day
  • November 08: International Radiology Day
  • November 09: Legal Services Day
  • November 10: Transport Day
  • November 14: Children’s Day; Diabetes Day
  • November 17: National Epilepsy Day
  • November 19: World Men’s Day
  • November 20: Africa Industrialization Day
  • November 21: World Hello Day, World Television Day
  • November 26: National Law Day
  • November 29: International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People
  • November 30: National Flag Day
 December 2019:
  • December 01: World AIDS Day
  • December 03: World Day of the Handicapped
  • December 04: Indian Navy Day
  • December 07: Indian Armed Forces Flag Day
  • December 09: International Anti-corruption Day, National Girl Child Day
  • December 10: Human Rights Day; IntI. Children’s Day of Broadcasting
  • December 18: Minorities Rights Day (India)
  • December 19: Goa’s Liberation Day
  • December 23: Kisan Divas (Farmer’s Day) (India)
  • December 25: Christmas

