Thursday 8 February 2018



The objective of this scheme is to award Airports Authority of India (AAI) Sports Scholarships to promising young players with a view to enhancing sporting standards in AAI as also encouraging young talent.

2. AGE GROUP The Scholarship will be given to the players over 14 years (as on 01.04.2017)

3. GAME/CATEGORY/CRITERIA (for open category) S.NO. GAME CATEGORY CRITERIA 1. Athletics Boys & Girls Players who have represented in Sub-Junior / Junior/ Senior National Championships, All India Inter University Tournaments, National School Games in the last 2 years 2. Badminton Boys & Girls 3. Cricket Boys 4. Chess Boys & Girls 5. Carroms Boys & Girls 6. Football Boys 7. Kho-Kho Boys & Girls 8. Table Tennis Boys & Girls 9. Volley Ball Boys

4. GAME/CATEGORY/CRITERIA (for wards of AAI Employee) S.NO. GAME CATEGORY CRITERIA 1. All recognized games. Boys & Girls Players who have represented in Sub-Junior / Junior/ Senior National Championships, All India Inter University Tournaments, National School Games in the last 2 years

5. NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS The number of scholarships will not exceed 85 for open category and 15 for Wards of employees of Airports Authority of India for the year 2017-18. ::2:: 6. AMOUNT OF SCHOLARSHIP The amount of scholarships to be granted to the awardees will be as under:- Age Group Amount of Scholarship per month Over 14 years and under 18 years Rs.12000/- per month. Over 18 years Rs. 16000/- per month 7.

DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP The scholarship will be given initially upto 31st March 2018 which is extendable based on the individual’s performance/improvement in his/her event.

8. CONDITIONS FOR AWARD OF SCHOLARSHIPS I. The sports scholarship player will not be entitled to draw any other scholarship / financial aid / stipend from any other source whatsoever for sporting activity. II. There is no obligation on the part of the Airports Authority of India to give employment to the Airports Authority of India Sports Scholars. III. He/she will continue his/her studies as well as the game concerned diligently and show improved performance in both. He/She will submit the certificates duly attested by the head/principal of educational institute in which he/she is studying that he/she is a bonafide student or the concerned recognized State/National Sports Federation. IV. He/she shall make himself/herself available for such practice/camp/tournaments/ as and when required by AAI. V. That he/she shall not behave in any manner during the period under the scholarship, which may cause embarrassment to AAI and also shall not take part in any activity prejudicial to the Law of the land. He/she will also abide by the rules & regulations/stipulations etc. framed by AAISCB from time to time. VI. He/she will not represent any club, institution/association other than the educational institutions where he/she studying without obtaining the prior approval from the AAI. VII. The AAI can withdraw the scholarship at any time without any notice or assigning any reason. VIII. He/she is required to obtain the concurrences of his/her parent/guardian in writing duly attested by a Gazetted officer. ::3:: IX. If he/she accepts any scholarship employment from any other institution, the scholarship so awarded by AAI will cease automatically. X. The application will be routed through and recommended by appropriate authority/institution (such as Head/Principal of Institution/School, Secretary of the State Federation/National Federation of the concerned sport) alongwith certified copies of standing of the sports scholar.

9. SELECTION All applications received within the stipulated time shall be considered by a committee duly constituted by the President, Airports Authority of India Sports Control Board. Cases of talented sports persons who are not students may also be taken into consideration for award of scholarships subject to their meeting all requirements and verification/certification by the Secretary of the concerned State Federation/National Federation. Cases of special merit not covered under the above conditions may be considered with the approval of Chairman, AAI.

10. APPLICATIONS The duly completed & signed application should be sent in prescribed format along with requisite enclosures in an envelope (13.5 x 9.5 inches) should be superscribed in bold letter with “AAI SPORTS SCHOLARSHIP SHCEME 2017- 18” on the top left corner of outer envelope to the undermentioned address so as to reach latest by 13th March 2017 (20th March 2017 for Remote Areas) :- Shri G L Verma, Assistant General Manager(HR) & Secretary, AAI Sports Control Board, Airports Authority of India, A Wing, Room No. 120, Safdarjung Airport, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi-110003.

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