Wednesday 23 November 2016

5 Rules Every Teacher Should Follow

Educators are supposed to be guiding the students through an important phase of their life. For this purpose, the educators should be completely prepared. There are certain things that the educators must take care of, while there are certain other things that the educators should accommodate as part of their life.
It is important to note that educators are stressed whenever a new lot of students enter their lives. While the students vary in their strengths and weakness, as well as the way they deal with things, educators have to make sure they understand how to handle the stress and deal with the kids. Here are 5 rules every teacher should follow.

1.Be Comfortable

Educators need to be comfortable! They have to be on their feet throughout the day, maximize the strengths of their students and work on their weakness. It is important that teachers dress up in clothes that make them feel comfortable. Always invest in good pair of shoes that make standing a comfortable affair.

2.Learn More Each Day

Every teacher should strive hard to develop their professional and personal self with each passing day. Every day there is something new to learn and, teachers should  remember that. Always remember that your day is going to pose some new challenges, some new types of kids each day. You cannot avoid that! Learn to grow with these challenges.

3.Unwind a Little

It is important that you enjoy your job a little each day. You should learn to laugh with your students and unwind a little. Engage your students with fun activities. When you start the class, you should be a little tough, but as the time passes by start showing your softer shades.

4.Getting Angry Not the Solution

As a teacher you will lose patience with your students every once too often. You will see that getting angry is not going to be a solution to the challenges in a classroom. You will need to work patiently, try to handle them using a firm but soft side. Try not getting angry!

5.They are Just Students

Your students are not going to be your best friends! They are your students, and can see your soft side to the max. Anything more than that should be avoided even in the best case scenario. This way you will still remain in control of how and what your teachers do.

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