Saturday 24 September 2016

Purposes of Education and Schooling.

In the 1980s, the noted educator and philosopher Mortimore Adler put forth the Paideia Proposal (Adler, 1982) which integrated the ideas of Dewey and Counts, as well as his own. Specifically, Adler suggested that there are three objectives of children’s schooling:
  • the development of citizenship,
  • personal growth or self-improvement, and
  • occupational preparation
  • Expanding on the pragmatic purpose of school, deMarrais and LeCompte (1995) outlined four major purposes of schooling that include:
    • intellectual purposes such as the development of mathematical and reading skills;
    • political purposes such as the assimilation of immigrants;
    • economic purposes such as job preparation; and
    • social purposes such as the development of social and moral responsibility.

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