Thursday 15 September 2016

Learning Physics ....on line...

Who should attend?

The discussion will be roughly at +2 and UG first year level but the experiments could be an educative experience for students from grade 9 onwards. Most of these experiments will throw some challenge to understand it, so even the well trained persons up to Postgraduate level will find it interesting!
Core target groups are  
(a)  Physics teachers teaching in schools from grade 9 to 12
(b)  Physics teachers teaching in colleges at B Sc, B.Tech level
(c)  Students from grade 9 to BSc/B.Tech
(d)  Others interested in enjoying Physics displayed by Nature in day-to-day life

Course Content

  • Shadows and rectilinear motion
  • Diffraction and Interference
  • Polarization
  • Scattering
  • Reflection
  • Fermat’s Principle
  • Refraction
  • Dispersion
  • Prisms and Lenses
  • Classification of forces
  • Non inertial frames and pseudo forces
  • Rotating frames, Centrifugal and coriolis force
  • Friction and Card-Coin experiment
  • Rolling
  • Angular momentum, Moment of inertia, Rigid body rotation
  • Conical Pendulum
  • Circular motion of charge in magnetic field
  • Force on a current in a magnetic field
  • B-field of a bar magnet and forces on a magnetic material in this field
  • Misconceptions on poles
  • Role of inhomogeneity in force on a magnet
  • Diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials
  • Curie Temperature
  • Faraday’s law of induction
  • Non conservative Electric Field
  • Lenz’s law and eddy currents
Oscillations and waves
  • Stable equilibrium and oscillations
  • Damped / Forced oscillations
  • Similarity between mechanical and L-C-R oscillations
  • Resonance
  • Complexity of Simple pendulum
  • Waves on a slinky, a string
  • Wave speed, dependence on tension and linear density
  • Standing waves on strings and on springs


Three Lectures to be released every week. Generally one on each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The lectures can be viewed any time during the 8 week course.Four Multiple choice quizzes will be held during the course for evaluation.There could be homework for which you might be asked to write and upload the answer file.


Certificates will be given to qualifying students based on their involvement and performance. Qualifying criteria will be announced soon. Certificates will be issued by Centre for Development of Technical Education (CDTE) , Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

Course Logistics

Start Date: 
September 20 , 2016
Duration : 8 weeks
Prerequisites : None
Registration : 
Open and free of charge

Instructor Incharge

Prof. H C Verma
Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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