Monday 8 June 2015

Does Your School Have a Culture of Innovation?

The Learning Accelerator and its partner 2Revolutions recently released a framework and self-assessment tool, So You Think You Want to Innovate? This tool was created to help schools, districts or state agencies evaluate the degree to which they have a culture of innovation, and then to identify priority actions the organization can take to shift further in the direction of an innovation culture. The tool is built around a framework of seven basic components of organizational culture:
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With the exception of Learning Agenda, the components of this model are familiar. All organizations have a way they lead, a way they communicate, a way they allocate resources, etc. There are more and less transformative ways to perform all of these functions. In innovation cultures, however, a learning agenda intentionally and persistently drives organizational change. More specifically, the learning agenda of the organization determines how the organization defines and redefines normal practice in the other six organizational areas.

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