Saturday 25 September 2021

NDA Application Form 2021 for Female Candidates

National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II)
राष्ट्रीय रक्षा अकादमी तथा नौसेना अकादमी परीक्षा (II)

" If a candidate, of any gender other than female, applies then the candidate will be liable to penal action in terms of Rule 7 of the Rules for this Examination including debarment for 10 years from appearing at all future Examinations/Recruitments of the UPSC ".

Applicants should note that there will be a ceiling on the number of candidates allotted to each of the Centres. Allotment of Centres will be on the 'first-apply-first allot' basis, and once the capacity of a particular Centre is attained, the same will be frozen. Applicants are, thus, advised that they may apply early so that they could get a Centre of their choice.

आवेदकों को ध्यान देना चाहिए कि प्रत्येक केंद्र में आवंटित उम्मीदवारों की संख्या सीमित होगी । केन्द्रों का आवंटन 'पहले आवेदन -पहले आवंटन' के आधार पर किया जाएगा, और केंद्र की निर्धारित सीटें भर जाने पर इसे रोक दिया जाएगा । आवेदकों को इस प्रकार सलाह दी जाती है, कि वे जल्दी आवेदन करे जिससे वे अपनी पसंद का केंद्र ले सके ।

NB : Notwithstanding the aforesaid provision, The Commission reserve the right to change the Centres at their discretion if the situation demands. 

विशेष टिप्पणी : उक्त प्रावधान के होते हुए भी स्थिति के अनुसार, आयोग अपने विवेक पर केन्द्रों को बदलने का अधिकार सुरक्षित रखता है।

Only for Women Candidates/केवल महिला उम्मीदवारों के लिए

click here

OrganizationUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Examination eligibility12th pass out
ConductedTwice in a year
Recruitment processWritten examination and interview
NDA for Girls Online Form Date24 September 2021
NDA Application Form Last Date8 October 2021 till 6 PM
Duration of examination5 Hours ( Mathematics:- two and half hours)

(General Ability Test:- Two and half hours)

NDA 2021 Exam Date14 November 2021
NDA for Female Notification StatusAvailable
Official website

Important Links
NDA for Female Apply Online StatusApply Here 
Female Short Notification PDFDownload Here 

Full Notice in English

Download Here 

Full Notification in Hindi 

All Details are same for Female

Download Here 

Friday 24 September 2021


National Initiative for School Heads' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 states that "Teachers truly shape the future of our children and therefore, the future of our Nation. The motivation and empowerment of teachers is required to ensure the best possible future of our children and nation”. As per the recommendation of NEP 2020, every teacher and head teacher is expected to participate in at least 50 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities every year for their own professional development, driven by their own interests. CPD opportunities will, in particular, systematically cover the latest pedagogies regarding foundational literacy and numeracy, formative and adaptive assessment of learning outcomes, competency-based learning, and related pedagogies, such as experiential learning, arts-integrated, sports-integrated, and storytelling-based approaches, etc. To realize the vision of NEP-2020, recently NCERT in collaboration with States / UTs and autonomous bodies under MoE, MoD and MoTA (CBSE, KVS, NVS, CTSA, AEES, Sainik School, CICSE etc) have initiated the NISHTHA 2.0 online Integrated Teacher Training programme for different stages of school education.

  •          NISHTHA 1.0 for Elementary level (Class I-VIII)
  •          NISHTHA 2.0 for Secondary level (Class IX-XII)
  •          NISHTHA 3.0 for NIPUN Bharat (ECCE to Class V)
  •          FAQ
  •         FORUM


Learn online

Study step-by-step solutions of NCERT Solutions prepared by our expert teacher. It clarify every single idea in detail and in simple language. Download these significant solutions for better understanding and scoring higher in tests.


Worrying to carry NCERT books. Now no need to carry NCERT books. We are providing these books online for class 6 to class 12 and books with solutions for class 6th to class 12th for you. You can access this easily anywhere, anytime as per your convenience.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

ISRO Invites Applications from Students for Free Online Course

on Basics of Geographical Information System

ISRO is offering a free online course called basics of geographical information system for which undergraduate and postgraduate students can apply

ISRO has invited applications from interested candidates for a free online course called basics of geographical information system for which students with a minimum qualification of under graduation or post graduation can apply. This is the third module which is being offered amongst a series of online courses being conducted by the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), which is a centre of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

The course, which will be conducted from 27 September to 22 October 2021, will cover geographical information system, databases, topology, spatial analysis and open source software. Apart from students, technical or scientific staff of central or state government, faculty, and researchers at university or institutions may also apply. Only 5000 participants will be allowed, and ISRO certificates will be rewarded based on 70% attendance and 40 % passing marks.

Topics to be Covered in ISRO Free Online Course

The course will cover the following topics related to geographical information system over a period of 21 days:

  • Introduction to geographical information system.
  • Geographic phenomena, concepts and examples.
  • Geographical information system data models including spatial and non-spatial.
  • Data inputting and editing in geographical information system.
  • Spatial analysis.
  • Map projection concepts and Use in remote sensing and geographical information system.
  • Spatial analysis: vector and raster.
  • Open-source software technology and tools.
  • Overview of spatial data quality.
  • Uncertainty in geographical information system and error propagation.
  • Overview of machine learning for geographical information system.
  • Overview of big data analytics.
  • Recent trends in geoinformatics.

How to Apply for the ISRO Free Online Course?

Interested and eligible candidates will have to submit applications on the official websiteParticipants can register using the Individual registration option if their institute is not registered under the IIRS Outreach network by entering the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun as the nodal center. Course study materials like lecture slides, video-recorded lectures, open source software and handouts of demonstrations will be made available through e-class.

हिंदी पखवाड़ा (14-09-2021 -28-09-2021) प्रतियोगिताएं

हिन्दू मुस्लिम सिख ईसाई 
आपस मे सब भाई भाई

जुड़े रहें सब एक सूत्र से
ऐसी मेरी अभिलाषा है 

हिंदी हम सब की भाषा है। 

अलग प्रान्त हैं अलग है बोली
पर हिंदी सबकी बढ़ बोली
भारत माँ की यही हो लोरी
ऐसी मेरी अभिलाष है। 

हिंदी जन की भाषा है.....

राजनीति और धर्म को भूलो
बस हिंदी का दामन छू लो
कहना सुनना सरल हो जाये
ऐसी मेरी अभिलाषा है !

हिंदी जन की भाषा है.....

अंग्रेजी से बैर नहीं है
उर्दू फारशी भी गैर नहीं है। 
पर परचम हिंदी का ही फैले
ऐसी मेरी अभिलाषा है।

हिंदी जन की भाषा है.......

उमा शंकर

 हिंदी पखवाड़ा प्रतियोगिताएं 
(प्राथमिक विभाग द्वारा)
14.9.21(मंगलवार)-हिंदी सुलेख प्रतियोगिता 
(हिंदी अध्यापक द्वारा)
16.9.21(गुरुवार)-हिंदी नारा लेखन प्रतियोगिता 
(कक्षा 4 और 5 के लिए कक्षा अध्यापक द्वारा )
18.9.21(शनिवार)- निबंध लेखन
विषय- मेरा विद्यालय, भारत मेरा देश, जीवन में खेलों का महत्व
(हिंदी अध्यापक द्वारा)
20.9.21(सोमवार)- एकल देश भक्ति गीत/भजन/नैतिक गीत
(संगीत अध्यापक द्वारा)
22.9.21(बुधवार)-एकल रोल प्ले
 (कक्षा 1 से 5 के लिए कक्षा अध्यापक द्वारा)
विषय-पर्यावरण संबंधित/खानपान/स्वास्थ्य संबंधित
24.9.21(शुक्रवार)- दर्शाओ और बताओ( कक्षा एक से तीन तक)
भाषण प्रतियोगिता (कक्षा 4 और 5 के लिए)
विषय- स्वच्छता/कारोना/मोबाइल फोन
(हिंदी अध्यापक द्वारा)
हिंदी काव्य प्रतियोगिता (कक्षा अध्यापक द्वारा )
28.9.21(मंगलवार)- समापन

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Shikshak Parv - 2021

 I would like to inform you as per the final change received by the Department, the Hon’ble Prime Minister will now come online at 10:30 A.M. on 07.09.2021. The revised schedule may kindly be noted & educational institutions may be encouraged to participate in large numbers using the link communicated earlier. The link for participation in this virtual event remains:

YouTube link for PM address:

 (10.30 AM on 07th September, 2021):

Shikshak Parv webpage link:

सादर धन्यवाद/ Regards,