Saturday 26 June 2021

My study corner

Make a study room or study area  at your home .

1.  Neat clean and Silence. 

2.   Good mobile Network

3.  Chair table / seating provision, Class Timetable.

4.  Proper Light.

5.  Book self and books, NB.

6.  Writing drawing materials.

7.  Maps, charts, slogans 

8.  My aim  caption. 

9.  A good  mobile.

10. Sarswati ma picture or any God you worship. 

Write all these 10 points in your notebook and make your own  study area at your home for corona times.

Upload picture in google assignment section .

Sample of a good reading corner at home ...

Where you must attend your google class in uniform ....

So it is your new class room in corona times.....

कोरोना काल मे आपकी क्लास जिसमे आप यूनिफार्म पहन कर  बैठिए 

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