Thursday 31 January 2019

परिक्षा चर्चा - 2 बातें याद रखना


*परीक्षा पर चर्चा - 2.0*
दिनांक- 29.01.2019
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी के संवाद के महत्वपूर्ण अंश
1. कुछ खिलौने टूटने से बचपन नहीं मरता...
2. परीक्षा के गलियारे से निकली हुई ही ज़िंदगी होती है, ऐसा नहीं है....उसके बाहर भी दुनिया होती है.
3. जीवन में हर कदम कसौटी होना ज़रूरी...
4. माँ-बाप को गौर से सुनें, उनको लगना चाहिए कि आप सुन रहे हैं...
5. कभी-कभी न सुनने से टकराव होता है...
6. वे माँ-बाप विफल, जो अपनी असफलता बच्चों पर थोंपते हैं...
7. हर बच्चे की अपनी क्षमता...
8. बच्चे को गिरने पर डांटें नहीं, प्रोत्साहित करें...
9. अपेक्षाएँ अच्छी चीज़... आवश्यक... ज़्यादा करने की इच्छा जगाती हैं...
10. जीने की इच्छा ज़रूरी... निराशा में डूबा व्यक्ति/समाज किसी का भला नहीं कर सकता...
11. आशा, अपेक्षा ऊर्ध्व गति के लिए आवश्यक...
12. Pressure से Reaction आता है....
13. अपने बच्चे के रिपोर्ट-कार्ड को अपना विजिटिंग-कार्ड न बनाएँ....
14. युवा होने तक बच्चे को observe करें, observe करने का मतलब इच्छित दिशा में ढालना नहीं...
15. बच्चों को Technology की ओर प्रोत्साहित करें, लेकिन इस्तेमाल पर नज़र रखें...
16. Technology का इस्तेमाल सामर्थ्य विकास के लिए हो...
17. खेल भी ज़रूरी...बिना खेल स्वास्थ्य की कल्पना नहीं...
18. एक ही Technology के दो रूप... एक संकुचित करता है, दूसरा विस्तृत...
19. लक्ष्य पहुँच में हो, लेकिन पकड़ में न हो... लक्ष्य सपनों की ओर ले जाने वाला होना चाहिए...
20. सपने मरने से सामर्थ्य मरता है...
21. निशाना चूकते हैं, तो माफ किया जा सकता है... लेकिन निशाना नीचा रहता है, तो माफी नहीं...
22. स्वयं को जानो... खुद के संदर्भ में.... माता-पिता, Teacher या दूसरों के संदर्भ में नहीं...
23. आप confuse हैं, क्योंकि आप नहीं जानते... आपको क्या करना है???
24. शिक्षा को व्यवहार से जोड़ें...
25. भावों की अभिव्यक्ति हो... वरना Pressure Cooker की तरह फट पड़ेंगे...
26. स्वयं से बेहतर बनो... दुनिया से नहीं...
27. कल क्या किया... क्या नहीं किया, न सोचें... आगे क्या करना है... इस पर विचार करें...
28. Time Management ज़रूरी... हम भी कर सकते हैं...
29. अगर कोई कहता है, Time नहीं है... नोट कर लेना...झूठ बोल रहा है...
30. समय ईश्वर का सामाजिक न्याय... सभी के पास 24 घंटे...
31. परीक्षा एक अवसर है, इसे उत्सव की तरह लें...
32. कसौटी कसती है, कोसती नहीं...
33. पहले अपनी रुचि को जानें... सपने बाद की बात...
34. बच्चों को जब तक कोसते रहोगे... आगे नहीं बढ़ा पाओगे...
35. जिसमें आत्मविश्वास है, वह तालियों की गूँज.... कितनी बजी? कितनी नहीं... परवाह नहीं करता...
36. Teacher के प्रति सम्मान हो, तो वह सारा ज्ञान निचोड़ देगा...
37. Teacher को RTI, FIR, देख लेने की धमकी तो देते हैं... जन्म-दिन की बधाई देना कभी याद नहीं आता...

Thursday 24 January 2019

Martyrs Day -Sarvodaya Day or Shaheed Diwas-30 jan 2019

Martyrs day in India is celebrated to pay homage to the victims who fought for the freedom, welfare and progress of the India and sacrificed their lives. It is celebrated every year all over the country on 30th of January. India is the country among other 15 countries of the world where Martyrs Day is celebrated every year to pay homage to the freedom fighters.
Martyrs day is celebrated on 30th of January every year as on the same day, Mahatma Gandhi (Bapu) was assassinated in the year 1948 before the sunset during the evening prayers. He was a great freedom fighter of the India and counted as the greatest amongst the lakhs and lakhs of martyrs. He did a very hard work throughout his life for the independence, welfare and development of the India. 30th of January is the martyr day of the Mahatma Gandhi which was declared by the Government of India as the Martyrs’ Day. Since then, 30th of January is celebrated as the Martyrs’ Day every year to pay tribute to the Mahatma Gandhi.       

Lala Lajpat Rai- 28 JAN 2019

Born: January 28, 1865
Place of Birth: Dhudike, Punjab
Parents: Munshi Radha Krishna Azad (Father) and Gulab Devi (Mother)
Spouse: Radha Devi
Children: Amrit Rai, PyareLal, Parvati
Education: Government College, Lahore
Political Association: Indian National Congress, Arya Samaj
Movement: Indian Independence Movement
Political Ideology: Nationalism, Liberalism
Publications: The Story of My Deportation (1908), Arya Samaj (1915), The United States of America: A Hindu's impressions (1916), Young India (1916), England's Debt to India: India (1917)
Death: November 17, 1928

Republic Day-26 JAN 2019

Republic Day honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950 replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India.[1]
The Constitution was adopted by the Indian Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949, and came into effect on 26 January 1950 with a democratic government system, completing the country's transition towards becoming an independent republic. 26 January was chosen as the Republic day because it was on this day in 1930 when Declaration of Indian Independence (Purna Swaraj) was proclaimed by the Indian National Congress as opposed to theDominion status offered by British Regime.

National Voters' Day-January 25

In order to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process,Government of India has decided to celebrate January 25 every year as "National Voters' Day" (Hindi: राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस). It started from January 25, 2011 to mark Commission's foundation day.
A meeting of the Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, approved a Law Ministry proposal to this effect, Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni told reporters.
Observing that new voters, who have attained the age of 18 years, were showing less interest in getting enrolled in the electoral rolls, she said the level of their enrollment was as low as 20 to 25 per cent in certain cases.
"In order to effectively deal with this problem, the Election Commission has decided to take up a vigorous exercise to identify all eligible voters attaining the age of 18 years as of January 1 every year in each of the 8.5 lakh polling stations across the country," she said.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (23 JAN 2019)

Born: January 23, 1897
Place of Birth: Cuttack, Orissa 
Parents: Janakinath Bose (father) and Prabhavati Devi (mother)
Spouse: Emily Schenkl
Children: Anita Bose Pfaff
Education: Ravenshaw Collegiate School, Cuttack; Presidency College, Calcutta; University of Cambridge, England
Associations: Indian National Congress; Forward Bloc; Indian National Army
Movements: Indian Freedom Movement
Political Ideology: Nationalism; Communism; Fascism-inclined;
Religious Beliefs: Hinduism
Publications: The Indian Struggle (1920–1942)
Death: August 18, 1945
Memorial: Renk?ji Temple, Tokyo, Japan; Netaji Bhawan, Kolkata, India

PM Modi to Inaugurate Subhash Chandra Bose Museum at Red Fort Today

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 - (29 JAN 2019)

It is that time of the year when many young friends amongst us will be appearing for examinations. During
last year’s Pariksha Pe Charcha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with several students from across
the country and shared his personal experiences with the young audience.
This 29 January, 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will again interact with cross section of Students,
Teachers and Parents.
Click the links below to participate in another exciting edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha.

Saturday 12 January 2019






MUST READ ..........FOR ALL..

Friday 11 January 2019


Science Education is an important tool for the development of a nation. The alarmingly decreasing number of students opting diverse science streams as a career and the lack of right guidance to the young generation has prompted VIBHA (Vijnana Bharati) and NCSTC to take an initiative for a Virtual Science Portal for the Indian Students.
This web portal is a novel initiative for the students, particularly from class 6 th to 12 th to have basic understanding of diverse avenues of science and its latest trends in technological applications. Moreover this portal will act as a virtual science world which would motivate and inspire students to experiment and take science as an interesting career option. One of the main aims of the portal is to provide every student with a mentor. Every student can choose their mentor from a wide range of experts consisting of eminent Scientists, Academicians, Research Scholars, Civil servants, Technocrats and Social leaders.
Science India, through the mobilization of vast scientific contingent of India intends to promote Indian achievements in science and technology and develop curiosity and innovative ideas to address the challenges facing the globe. The Constitution of India in Article 51A on Fundamental Duties says:"It shall be the duty of every citizen of India…To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of enquiry and reform"
Apart from a Constitutional Duty, the above is also a moral duty. This portal also intends to inculcate scientific temper as it promotes logical thinking and rational decision making, both being primarily essential for overall development of a nation. For such overall development and growth of the country and society, it is necessary to develop scientific temper among all the people irrespective of their age, caste, creed, religion etc. A society that is scientifically empowered is at par with standard human development as it develops a mind with the spirit to enquire and question in order to seek the right and proven knowledge with substantial evidence. Ultimately, it is the right knowledge that leads to reform.