Saturday 20 January 2018



Santosh Yadav
is an Indian mountaineer. She is the first woman in the world to climb Mount Everest twice,and the first woman to successfully climb Mt. Everest from Kangshung Face. She climbed the peak first in May 1992 and then again in May 1993.
During her Everest mission of 1992 she saved the life of another climber, Mohan Singh, by sharing oxygen with him.
She was born in Adygreg village in Rewari district of Haryana state, India. She attended Maharani College in Jaipur, where she was able to see mountaineers from her room. She was inspired by this to join Uttarkashi's Nehru Institute of Mountaineering while successfully continuing her studies for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exams in a hostel provided by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation at Connought Place, New Delhi.
Aged 20 in 1992, Yadav scaled Everest, becoming the youngest woman in the world to achieve this feat. Within twelve months, she became a member of an Indo-Nepalese Women's expedition, and scaled Everest the second time, thus setting the record as the only woman to have scaled the Everest twice.
  • In 1999, Santosh Yadav led an Indian mountaineering expedition to Kangshung Face, Everest.
  • In 2001, she led mountaineering team to East Face, Mt. Everest.
Currently she is an officer in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police. She was a part of the nine-nation international climbing camp-cum-expedition to Nun Kun in 1989.
Yadav was awarded the Padma Shri in 2000.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Wednesday 3 January 2018


Click to the link below...for scholarship updated ....


 Will you be studying in X, XI, XII Std. in September 2018?
Were you born after 01-07-1999 ?

Would you like to participate in the International Earth Science Olympiad?

Entrance Test on 21st January 2018 

Last date to Apply  Jan 10, 2018

All India Essay Competition

Council for Youth Development and Research Foundation

(A Non-Profit Organization Regd: u/s 8 Indian Companies Act 2013, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Gov of India)
 Council for Youth Development & Research Foundation of India (CYDR Foundation) is Non-Profit Making Organization. Though this essay competition they can enable students to win money to help pay for further education. They also promote the development of writing skills and may encourage a healthy sense of competition and a commitment to excellence among the young people who participate in them. Good writing and critical thinking skills are important to succ ess in school, in employment, and in life. By All the entries must be typewritten and in not more than 1000 and 1500 words Language :-English, Hindi and Other Indian Language is Admissible . Council for Youth Development & Research Foundation All India Online Essay Competition on 69th Republic Day of India (For 9th/10th/11th/12th Student/Passouts) TOPIC:- “ WHY WE CELEBRATE 26TH JANAURY EVERY YEAR?” “हम हर साल 26TH जनवरी क्य ोंमनातेहैं?” (For Under Graduate, PG and Above ) TOPIC:- “DR.AMBEDKAR AND ITS CONTRIBUTION IN MAKING Of CONSTITUTION” “डॉ. आोंबेडकर और उनका सोंववधान बनानेमेंययगदान” How to Apply 1-Go to our website and Click on link “All India Essay Competition on 69th Republic Day of India” 2-Read Details Advertisement. 3-Click on link “Pay Registration Fee” 4- After click you will see Payment Options; like Pay TM, Debit Card, Credit Card or Net banking 5-After payment successfully please note down your Transaction ID/Transaction No/Reference ID/Journal No etc. 6- After Payment go to button “Apply Now” 7- While Fill the form Mention “Transaction ID/Reference ID in “Payment Details Option” 8- In the last of application form attach your essay in Word Format/Doc/Docx File in “Attach File” option. 9- After attach click on “Submit Button” and your form will be submitted successfully. आवेदन कै सेकरें? 1-हमारी वेबसाइट '''' पर जाएं फिर ''All India Essay Competition on 69th Republic Day of India'' पर क्लिक करें 2-फवस्तृत फवज्ञापन ध्यान सेपड़ें 3-“Pay Registration Fee”पर क्लिक करें 4-क्लिक करनेक बाद आपको पेमेंट भुगतान का फवकल्प फदखेगा Netbanking/Credit Card/Debit Card/Paytm Wallet etc 5-जो भी फवकल्प सही लगेउस सेभुगतान करदें 6-भुगतान करनेक बाद जो Transaction No/Transaction ID/Journal No/Reference ID/फमलेगा उसेनोट करलें 7-अब आप “Apply Now”पर जा कर अपना िॉममभरें 8-िॉममभरतेसमय ध्यानपूवमक अपना Transaction ID/Transaction No/Reference No/Journal ID "Payment details" खानेमेंटाइप करें 9-अंत मेंअपना फनबंध जो Word file /Doc file/docx file हो उसे“Attach File” पेक्लिक कर के अटैच करदें 10-उसक बाद “Submit Form” पर क्लिक कर करदेंआपका िॉममजमा हो जायेगा Junior Level Senior Level Guideline:- Words Limit : 1500 Font Style : Times Mew Roman Font Size : 14 Spacing : Single Space Language : Hindi, English and all other Indian Language ( No Other Special Guideline for participate) Note :- We cordially invite School / College/ Institute / University for participation. (Please Participate and help for charity) Prize Ceremony:- Winners name will be displayed on Our Website. Prize will be distribution on 26th January 2018 WWW.CYDRINDIA.COM INFO@CYDRINDIA.COM HELP LINE NUMBER:- +91 981826 1563 +91 981079 1563 PARTICIPATION FEE:- RS.100- (Your Participation Fee will go for Charity) Dates:- Start of Application: 05th Oct 2017 End of Application : 10th Jan 2018 Result Declaration : 20th Jan 2018 1 st Prize 25,000 2 nd Prize 15,000 3 rd Prize 10,000 1 st Prize 15,000 2 nd Prize 10,000 3 rd Prize 5000 SENIOR LEVEL JUNIOR LEVEL Every Participation Will get Merit Certificate 4 th 5 th 6 th Prize 2500 4 th 5 th 6 th Prize 1100.

NASA Ames Space Settlement Contest
NASA invites applications for NASA Ames Space Settlement Contest 2018 from students studying in class 7 to 12. In this scholarship, a student needs to develop space settlement designs and related materials. Individuals and teams can apply for the scholarship.


  • Students studying in class 7 to 12 are eligible.
  • Student of any nationality is eligible.
  • Individuals, small teams of 2 to 5 members and large teams of 6 and more members are eligible.
Award Details:

  • All winners will receive a NASA certificate.
  • The best submission, regardless of category, wins the grand prize, 
  • consisting of the space colony submission being placed on the NASA Ames
  •  World Wide Web site.
  • Highest scoring team or individual will receive USD 3000, NSS Bruce M. Clark 
  • and Jr. Memorial Space Settlement Award.
  • The amount of the scholarship will equally be divided among the team members
  •  if a team wins the contest.
  • The winner who has highest ranking will be invited to give oral presentations.
  • All contestants will get an opportunity to display a poster of their work.
